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The Sodexo
Lifestyle Survey
The Sodexo International University Lifestyle Survey, 2017
Introduction 5
Students today 6
US expert's view 8
US regional findings 9
Global research findings 13
Preparing for university 13
Arriving at university 16
Student life: how are they coping?
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 2017 The Sodexo Internation
The Sodexo International University Lifestyle Sur
INTRODUCTION Introduction What defines to
STUDENTS TODAY Who are students today? Five type
STUDENTS TODAY Student quality of life G
US EXPERT'S VIEW Rob Hailey, Senior Associate Vi
REGIONAL FINDINGS US regional findings In Americ
REGIONAL FINDINGS Just over 62 percent
Skills, support and worries Being a student doesn
12 The Sodexo International University Lifestyle
GLOBAL FINDINGS Global findings 1. Preparing f
GLOBAL FINDINGS environment', and gives 'a
in their top worries, compared with 13 percent ov
GLOBAL FINDINGS run student accommodation,
The wi-fi generation Given that today’s university
GLOBAL FINDINGS 3. Student life: how are t
GLOBAL FINDINGS Satisfaction with life Ind
How students have saved money at university Not
Students are happy with contact time, but wha
GLOBAL FINDINGS activities are eating out
to expect vegan and vegetarian options, while Ame
GLOBAL FINDINGS Sleep and exercise On aver
UK students were least decided or prepared, w
Sodexo Universities 9801 Washingtonian Blvd. Gait