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Best regards
FALL 2012 $16.00
Thor EquiTiEs
Thor EquiTiEs
FlourishEs WiTh
invEsTmEnTs in hisTory
PhEasanT hill homEs
PhEasanT hill homE’s
Focus on GrEEn BuildinG
sTarTs local movEmEnT
Inspired spaces
distinct design
With you and for you, we create buildings that are distinctly your s,
environmentally responsible, accessible for all, and true to their surroundings.
• Residential and Light Commercial
• Accessibility Consulting
• Over 25 years of Experience
• Personalized Service
• Creative Solutions A r c h i t e c t u r e
• Design and consulting for single family to large custom homes b y
to senior housing and multifamily projects, as well as wood f
FALL 2012 $16.00 ddcjournal.com
Inspired spaces distinct design
Living in HD starts here. Where family and friend
Simplified design. Sus The three-in-one, single-s
EDITOR-In-chIEf Jim Potter jpotter@ddcjournal.com
VOL. 5 - ISSUE 3 FALL 2012 10
56 orchard commercial Local Knowledge And A Strea
184 Fairfield Homes
152 pioneer HouSing FounDation Meeting A Need For
A Test Of Patience Construction Forecast I
among the worst-performing markets over the next
The Barrick Gold Standard Island’s largest priv
government has this legacy of poor operations to
Pueblo Viejo Plant
research and determining how best to grow our pla
ing extensive mining projects for five centuries,
sTEADfAsT APPROAch With a steadfast focus on envi
2015 Initiative Consolidating space at Bell Helic
Bell Helicopter Employee Center group meeting
“The work that we are doing is paying off,” Lehr
ReynoldsHall ©GeriKodey A LEED Role A performance
“It’s pretty much what we had hoped it would be u
Emerging Force Strategic growth in the
New Cabinetry Showroom - Egg Harbor Township 2
New Cabinetry Showroom - Egg Harbor Township di
Inspired Design. Ingenuity In Doors. 1 MMAASO
we were going earlier and making some really toug
PG 28-60 commercial P28 J.F. McKinney and Asso
Flawless Developing high-end Positioning down
successful results are that we are able to execut
The Service Element Growing a specifically focuse
company in 1998 the goal was to bring a high leve
Airwest IX Potent Rewards Strategic risks
“We are looking at those situations where we have
Infill Focus Building success in industrial real
of Milwaukee Avenue near the Lincolnshire Corpo-
Retail Prowess Combing the strengths of two hig
raised more than $3.4 billion of equity for direc
two to three miles from their home. Everybody has
Neace Lukens is a proud Insurance and Risk Manage
The Right Track Steady Growth in Urban Shopping C
Broadmoor under construction
Broadmoor is a bit different because it's the firs
Real Midwestern Charm A corporate-oriented strate
ity with their clients’ needs, processes and thou
Park Place Nimble Operator Creating attractive
ally look at how the product matches not only the
Driving Downtown Revitalization A local real est
taken a leadership role in downtown Little Rock’s
Paramus Winning Assets An opportunistic a
“Each asset class operates on a cycle, and rare i
Founded in 1999, Champion Partners, a Scotts- dal
to work with for a set of reasons, and was delaye
Stand Out Management Local knowledge and a stream
every lease deal that is made, there is some tena
The Strongest Link A fully integrated real estate
single asset LLC for each particular project with
RealtyLink also has in-house marketing and in- ve
PG 62-70 government P62 3CDC P64 City of Calga
Promoting Downtown Revitalizing the historic area
Our goal is really to try to keep our head down a
Organic Growth Enhancing infrastructure in the Ci
three minutes, and meanwhile we were trying to co
This is part of the organic growth of the system.
Photo courtesy of The City of Calgary
A Case In Point Updated court facilities for San
The existing facilities have an unwanted reputati
The Justice Center will have 12 levels and 35 cou
PG 72-76 infrastructure P72 Sonoma-Marin Area
Opening Up A SMART transit option for Californi
When we get to day one operations, we’ll have a f
Leveraging The Private Sector A commuter rail li
PHASED DELIVERY The Eagle Project is divided in
first bridge across Broadway at the Coors Filed p
PG 78-92 mixed-use P78 Poe Companies P81 The M
A Waterside Escape River Park Place sports the be
that will encompass over 2,000 residential units,
says. “We take great pride in being able to plan
Nimble Revitalization Reinvigorating Milwaukee’s
North End As the
“The high quality of the residences that will be
Lady of Loreto A Century Of Success Concret
15-year ICAP tax abatement. Its construction and
Places To Be A focus on the client’s bottom line
MC Companies has developed the project and MC Cla
Top Of Their Game Building a foundation for succe
Cité Nature will be completed in stages, with the
focus of our team, instead of trying to delegate
MALFAR AD PROOF Plumbing Process Piping HVAC F
The site for Emerald City is perfect because it's
PG 94-116 multifamily P94 The Joseph Group P96
Moving Forward
the project much more interesting to be able to b
Grayson Flats Apartment Homes Prime Mover E
2011. The company acquired the 42-unit apart- men
Understanding Your Brand Senior living for an agi
Johns CreeK As part of a master-planned community
Divide And Conquer Leading the way in
“In the 60s, 70s and 80s, everybody wanted to get
O’Shanter Development Manager of Development Jil
While other companies often lose residents during
brick parapet that was on the balcony. It couldn’
Smart Deals Creating a profitable company throug
Abbey has grown in size over the years without us
going to get is a $15 or $20 increase a year in r
Palmer House
updated hotel rooms, conference spaces, a fitness
Commitment Personified All aspects of multifamily
dential is currently pre-leasing the first buildi
Comfort And Convenience Award-winning, resident-
“The whole city, including the mayor, is really e
Vista-Tulsa, OK-Livingroom Model
operations technology software for our purchasing
We like to be able to outperform the neighbors do
PG 118-122 design build P118 Proctor Construct
On Stable Foundations Leveraging local expertise
“It’s actually a staggered schedule,” Krajew
Excellence Abounds Industry knowledge and best p
Manley sets itself apart by going through the tot
he says. “It is always a company goal to manage a
PG 124-131 healthcare P124 College Street Part
Problem Solvers Specializing in healthcare real e
College Street Partners then conducted a full mar
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital Qualit
using mobile work stations, and it gives them the
It's extremely important to have quality faciliti
Facilitating Physician Ownership Top-Notch develo
Because of this, Shearer says that the company ma
PG 133-140 green building P133 MP Lundy Constr
St George Church Enhancing The History of resp
improvement budget so that it can be transferred
of the employees will benefit from these improvem
Jewel In The Crown Building affordable, practical
you never use,” Oudman says. “Concentrating on a
Hillside House Sharing Pheasant
called green companies in the industry, and we tr
Gabriola Island Getaway - Renovation “We sta
PG 142-192 affordable housing P142 Housing Aut
Building Pride In Taking a more active role in d
Arbor Pointe I think the biggest thing with Ar
Willow Glen features an attractive design to go a
Echo Ridge Community Center Constant Imp
Echo Ridge “Without
moving people, and people being willing and able
Conway Pines Groundbreaking Connecting Communiti
in downtown Concord who are connected in some way
Point on Fall Creek
The Whitsett Group certainly makes pains not to f
Trail Blazer Meeting a need for affordable
building. People were generally happy with the la
Transformative Developer Affordable Senior Housin
geles. The $43 million adaptive reuse project wil
There are lots of amenities that are within walki
Putting communities on the fast track with transi
Snelgrove Place Collaborative Problem Solv
trying to work past that. I think what we want to
“The seniors and families will provide a n
Change For The Better Housing for San Antonio res
Hemisview Village gr
more comprehensive community planning effort, eng
Conducive For Creating affordable housing Commu
“It’s a family development,” Worgan says. “The si
©Brigitte Manekin
Matt Pinto, Alex Solomon and Kirsten Shackelford.
Changing Perceptions High-quality housing for far
built,” he says. “This was a product that was onc
Increasing Focus Omni Housing establishing afford
doors, windows and insulation, but is keeping the
Dedicated To Affordable Housing for the The
area, and being in a high cost area makes buildin
Dedicated Developer Expanding to new markets in
“We look at what makes sense, but a lot of what w
Reducing Poverty Helping people, changing lives a
We learn from one complex to the next and know wh
Robust Rehabs Affordable Housing for all In Centr
previous projects, the organization has worked to
The project is scheduled to wrap up in December 2
Bringing Communities Together Building for immedi
Shaker Heights neighborhood of Cleveland. The geo
Located on Euclid Avenue, a once-vibrant and crit
A Perfect Pair High-Quality construction for
Construction of Heart of Ohio
shops, law offices, hospice faculties and histori
Fairfield Homes, Inc. Logan
“You cannot stay in the business and manage these
Ethos In Action Quality development for distre
Hannibal Manor
a developer's FHA lender Forest City Capital con
Ashland Terrace
PG 194-207 education P194 Washington Universit
Vision Of The Future A new cancer center for Wash
they would implement the guiding values in their
of wood, but is easy to keep clean. Exterior wall
View of Medical Oncology Infusion Waiting-Treatme
A Symbol Of Liberty Striving for academic excel
The goal here was to create a world-class univers
The new library is scheduled for completion in Ma
Southern Methodist University Associate Vice Pre
we can, at a pedestrian level in order to encoura
Problem-Solver Helping universities achieve the b
“Each building we develop for a university or on
The Complete Building new futures at the
When it comes to the university, we like to think
PG 209-231 property management P209 MetCap Livi
MetCap Living is a full-fledged leasing, financin
long-term service providers that we use in the ca
Expanding Its Scope Integrated operations and car
We want to grow, and have a target of adding abou
Overall, the company strives to maintain consiste
Williamsburg Founded in 1999, Atlantis Realty
SUCCESSFUL APPROACH Atlantis Realty Services’ app
Backyard Understanding Over a century of experien
telmo says. “One of the family members lives out
Enter The Top-Quality property man
to another one of our buildings,” Overbye says. “
Indian Creek Taking Responsibility Real estate s
Courtyard exterior
With low-income restrictions on the property, Lum
96 Fulton
We want to maintain this momentum. We provide exc
Lastly, and probably the ultimate litmus test of
square feet for corporate, institutional and priv
The fact that Cassidy Turley has found success wi
Delivering Improving buildings with a keen We
170 North 5th
We take a holistic approach with the buildings th
New Jersey's most trusted name in kitchens is mak
For many disadvantaged, working an
ad index FALL 2012 227 ABM Janitorial Serv
design highlight GALAXY SOHO Beijing, Chin
Real estate capabilities you can count on. Achie
We Create. We Inspire. We Connect. We Care.