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Best regards
Due diligence for responsible business conduct with
regards to people, animals, society and the environment
Account reporting year
for Lekolar AB
To Readers Of The Report
Enterprises and the public sector have a great impact on people, society, the environment, climate, and animals
and can both contribute positively to development, or negatively by causing harm. Enterprises therefore hold a
central role in achieving UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement’s 1,5-degree
This report can be used as an account for the Transparency Act, but it has a broader scope with climate and the
environment, circular economy, and anti-corruption indicators also being included. Our members are obligated
to carry out due diligence and report annually on their work. Base level1 members also meet the Transparency
Act’s due diligence duty, and partially the Act’s informati
Due diligence for responsible business conduct wi
To Readers Of The Report Enterprises and the pub
Due diligence This report is based on the UN Gui
Preface From CEO For us at Lekolar, it is essent
Board Signature S
Enterprise information and enterprise context K
Contact person for the report (name and title) Ha
Supply chain information General description of
List of first tier suppliers (producers) by count
29 685 Number of suppliers this overview is bas
Goals and progress Process goals and progress f
Goal for coming years 1 2030 goal: 80% of
1 Governance and commitment to responsible busi
1.A Policy* for own enterprise 1.A.1 Link to pu
| Lekolar AB | 15
1.B Organisation and internal communication 1.B
1.C. Plans and resources 1.C.1 How are the ente
1.D Partnerships and collaboration with business
1.E Experiences and changes 1.E.1 What experien
2 Defining the focus for reporting Identify a
2.A Mapping and prioritising PRIORITISED ACTUAL
material used, has been identified. General risk
3 Management of salient issues Cease, prevent
3. A Cease, prevent or mitigate 3.A.1 For each
Salient issue No freedom of association and l
Salient issue Extensive overtime, China Goal
Salient issue Workers rights in Brazil Goal :
Salient issue Forced labour in Brazil Goal :
3.B.6 Contribution to development, capacity build
4 Track implementation and results Tracking im
4.A. Track and assess 4.A.1 Describe the a) ass
5 Communicate how negative impacts are addresse
5.A External communication 5.A.1 Describe how t
6 Provide for or cooperate to ensure remediatio
6.A Remediation 6.A.1 Describe the enteprise’s
6.B. Ensure access to grievance mechanisms 6.B.
Contact details: