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Clinical Trials Insight
£25.00 €47.50 $58.00 2012 Vol. 1
New frontiers
for clinical data
Pierre-Yves Lastic of Sanofi talks clinical
data management and CDISC
Making the right outsourcing choice ■ Opportunities in emerging markets ■ Adaptive design in clinical trials
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Clinical Trials Insight £25.00 €47.50 $58.00
To a courier, this is just another box. To M
From the editor On the web... Keep up with the la
Contents In this issue 18 Cover stor
Contents 27 56 How do you determine shelf li
Market analysis > Statistics In development Based
Market analysis > Statistics industry and an in
Market analysis > Statistics negatively affecte
Market intelligence > Vital statistics M&A and
Insight > Clinical supply Changing trends in earl
Insight > Clinical supply designing placebo-con
Insight > CRO management Outsourcing: building a
Insight > CRO management “Endo is a mid-si
Insight > Emerging markets Eastern Europe com
Insight > Emerging markets one of the first to
Insight > Emerging markets Tips for selecting a
Insight > Study efficiency Follow the leader
Insight > Study efficiency If the bioscien
Insight > Data management Shaping the fu
Insight > Data management instance, th
Insight > Data management Figure 1. Current adop
Power your clinical studies with the most in
Why it's called good practice, not g
Company insight > Data management CDISC impleme
Company insight > Data management The quality d
Insight > Clinical supply Off the shelf? How do y
Insight > Clinical supply Lessons to learn n Thi
Company insight > Clinical supply How packaging
Company insight > Clinical supply Patients
Does your compliance package comply with the laws
Company insight > Clinical supply Benefits of sm
Think small, think big, TEMPERATURE CONTROLL
Company insight > Clinical supply The successf
Company insight > Clinical supply Optimal plan
Company insight > Clinical supply cases can be
Your clinical trials are valuable Cl
Company insight > Clinical supply Secure your
To a courier, this is just another box. To M
Company insight > Clinical supply Tailor-made b
Insight > Cold chain Cool
Insight > Cold chain I n July 2011
Insight > Cold chain that can contribute to th
Insight > Innovation What is an adaptive clinic
Insight > Innovation Among the many ideas
Insight > Innovation process, leading to a num
Company insight > Innovation Innovative trial d
Company insight > Innovation
Insight > Comparator drugs Comparator tactics i
Insight > Comparator drugs trials is sourcing
Insight > Comparator drugs import licences or
Company insight > Comparator drugs Comparator s
Company insight > Comparator drugs
Insight > Clinical trial recruitment
Insight > Clinical trial recruitment In
Directory > Events Clinical trials events A look
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