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A p r i l 2 011 IndustrialLiftandHoist.com
Fall Protection
For aerials
learn the oFFicial
modern crane Brakes
with Digital controls
COntEnts April 2011
22 site review
Organized Inside and Out
In 2002, The Container Store conducted a 10-year sales
growth projection, which concluded it would need
a larger facility to contain its distribution center and
corporate offices. Today, through the help of Raymond
lifting equipment, the company optimizes space in
its 1.1 million-square-foot distribution center.
24 Business issues
Best Practices for AWP Fall Protection
By Katie Parrish
As aerial work platforms become increasingly more
popular, there is a stronger need to ensure this equipment
is op
A p r i l 2 011
COntEnts April 2011 Features 22 site rev
COMMEntAry re-tweet: Don’t lose control By
BEst PrACtICEs moving Personnel and materials fro
Personnel Lifts The essential c
HEAdLInEs on the calenDar mheDa annual
han-tek Builds transfer car for Power Plant vic
HEAdLInEs This news page is sponsored by Control
sany america assembly Facility takes shape San
PrOduCts In The Field liftsmart announce
PrOduCts new aWPs from haulotte group
In The Field skako lift takes on Bluelift Distri
FrOM tHE MHIA advancing the supply chain MHIA off
Association Update mheFi anD aim announce eDucati
FrOM tHE MHIA The event will include a panel
Association Update storage, to solve
sItE rEVIEW organized inside and out With raymon
Lift Trucks Although direct-to-consumer
BusInEss IssuEs Employers are responsible for pr
Personnel Lifts 1926.502(a): “The employer shal
trEnds &tECHnOLOGy Many older cranes and h
Industrial Brakes & Controls Progression of brak
trEnds &tECHnOLOGy AC thruster brakes are be
Industrial Brakes & Controls AC has become the
PrOduCt FOCus Forklifts improve the lift
PrOduCt FOCus alternatiVe Fuels With fuel
Forklifts Plug Power Pushes Hydrogen Fue
EquIPMEntInACtIOn Gantry Cranes on its met