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Best regards
Annual Report 2016
Honoring American Military Aviation
through Flight, Exhibition, Education
and Remembrance.
Table of Contents
5 Our Mission
6 Letter from the Chief of Staff
8 Nationwide Reach
11 Charting Our Progress
12 Meaningful Impact
15 Education Through Inspiration
17 Trailblazing Women Pilots
19 A Flying Museum
21 Commemorating Pearl Harbor
22 The Volunteer Spirit
24 A Monumental Restoration
26 A Major Milestone
29 A Vision for the Future
30 Consolidated Financials
LEFT Lt. Col. Richard “Dick” Cole
routinely participates at CAF events
to share the story
Annual Report 2016
Honoring American Military Aviation through Fligh
Table of Contents 5 Our Mission 6 Let
rIGHT Attended by more than 12,000 aviation fans
Established in 1957, the Commemorative Air Force
Letter from the Chief of Staff An Opportunity
PHOTO: KOnley Kelley
Nationwide Reach Members in Every State T
LEGEnd CAF Unit Location CAF Milestone Location
10,331 Members engage with the CAF Mission
Charting Our Progress Shared Passion Fuels Pro
Meaningful Impact Bringing the Lessons of the
BELoW A yourg boy makes a connection with
rIGHT Mentorship plays an important role in CAF p
Education Through Inspiration Forging Thoughtf
Trailblazing Women Pilots Honoring the Legacy o
PHOTO: Kevin HOng
LEFT The CAF has a philosophy of “dropping the
ABovE The CAF’s Tora, Tora, Tora demonstration te
Commemorating Pearl Harbor Fulfilling a
The Volunteer Spirit “There is nothing stronge
PHOTO: jOHn willHOff
A Monumental Restoration A Marvel of Engineeri
Mission Statement
A Major Milestone Saving an American Icon — T
ABovE Working with world renowned architects HKs
A Vision for the Future
Consolidated Financials Fiscal Year 2016 T
PHOTO: jake PeTersOn www.cOmmEmORATivEAiRfORcE.O
Dallas Executive Airport P.o. Box 7647