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Ultrasound-guided subgluteal
sciatic nerve block
Philips tutorial
Francis V. Salinas, MD
Staff Anesthesiologist and Section Head of Orthopedic Anesthesia
Coordinator of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Education
Virginia Mason Medical Center Department of Anesthesiology
Table of contents
Ultrasound-guided subgluteal sciatic nerve block
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Clinical anatomy............................................................................................................................... 7
3 Anatomical relationships and the sonographic appearance ...............17
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques .........................................................................23
5 Clinical pearls and tips ..................................
Ultrasound-guided subgluteal sciatic nerve block
Table of contents Ultrasound-guided subgluteal
1 Introduction The sciatic nerve (SN) is derive
1 Introduction More proximal approaches to sci
Figure 1 The surface and deeper projection of the
1 Introduction • The absolute amount of nonneu
2 Clinical anatomy The sciatic nerve is the pr
2 Clinical anatomy Figure 2a
Figure 2b The muscle belly of the LHBF has been r
2 Clinical anatomy The sciatic nerve exits the
Figure 3 The GM has been removed, exposing the pi
2 Clinical anatomy Figure
At the caudal border of the quadratus femoris mus
2 Clinical anatomy Figure 5 M
Figure 6 Patient is in the prone position.The sci
2 Clinical anatomy Within the lower gluteal re
3 Anatomical relationships and sonographic ap
3 Anatomical relationships and sonographic ap
Figure 7b SAX ultrasound image of the SN in the s
3 Anatomical relationships and sonographic ap
The subgluteal space is an intermuscular fascial
3 Anatomical relationships and sonographic ap
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques Patient
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 9b Patient is in the prone position for US
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques Sonogra
• The most easily identifiable structures are the
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques SAX – i
• Needle placement and local anesthetic injection
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 10b Ultrasound transducer position and nee
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 11a The needle tip has been advanced over
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 11c The needle tip is located deep to the
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
FPO – If needle visualization is less than ideal,
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Video 1 SAX, In-Plane Technique. The block needle
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Video 3 SAX, In-Plane Technique. The block needle
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques Subglute
5 Clinical pearls and tips Anisotropy of the s
5 Clinical pearls and tips iv. The duration of
6 References 1. Enneking FK, Chan V, Greger J,
6 References 13. Chan VW, Nova H, Abbas S, et al
Additional resources Additional resources relat
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