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FEBRUARY/MARCH 2011 • VOL. 58, NO. 2
The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses ®
National Student Nurses’Association® ©Thinkstock
Departments & Columns
pg.12 Slate of Candidates
Membership Benefits & Highlights…………………………………
News: Convention Updates…………………………………………
Slate of 2011 Candidates……………………………………
Proposed Bylaws Amendment………………………………
Up Close……………………………………………………………
Nominating and Elections Committee ………………………………
Foundation of the NSNA® …………………………………………
Image of Nursing…………………
Advertisement Removed 2 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2011
FEBRUARY/MARCH 2011 • VOL. 58, NO. 2 Imprint
©Thinkstock Earn Academic Credit for Part
Advertisement Removed Advertisement Removed NSNA
EDITORIAL ©Thinkstock By Kindra Scanlon Imprint®
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©Thinkstock Spread the Word By Elizabeth Newcom
N E W S : NSNA® 2011 Slate of Candidates Rele
Proposed bylaws amendments are voted on at the 20
RATIONALE (Continued) “The collection of high qua
N E W S : People ©Thinkstock Richard Hader
UP CLOSE ©Thinkstock Electra Allen “My intera
F O U N D A T I O N of the NSNA® In Memory of F
Advertisement Removed NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.o
Advertisement Removed Advertisement Removed 18
HAPPENINGS ©Thinkstock The “Happenings” column h
(Continued from page 19) “Many college students a
AIDS statistics, and a presentation on work in AI
Advertisement Removed 22 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2011
IMAGE OF NURSING The Great Beyond: Pioneeri
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(Continued from page 23) This is noteworthy since
©Thinkstock Steps to Success: Pharmacol
to relieve a variety of pain syndromes, including
BEYOND Random Acts by G. Rumay Alexander ©Thin
Email Etiquette • Don’t be a novelist. • Re-read
it’s human nature to withdraw, become defensive,
Breaking the Cycle of Horizontal Violence
This scenario is an example of what has been term
2. Research a workplace’s turnover rate. A high t
lower turnover rates than the two other cardiac u
Personal tories of Student S V ©Thinkstock Nu
I applied in January, had a phone interview in Fe
(Continued from page 37) This person was my moth
bleed to death after giving birth. I watched a ba
(Continued from page 39)
community holding a Memorandum of Understanding (
Self-Compassion : A Prescription fo Well-Being
Practicing self-compassion also helps prevent bur
Questions for Self-Exploration and Awareness Take
References Beck, D.L, Hackett, M.B., Srivastava,
Nursing Success in the Face of By T
• Time and a half: If one hour is the normally gi
(Continued from page 47) I know of no other grou
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