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— Fu u e A h e Eng nee
Con u on Wo ke
Grade 5
Student Edition
The Student Edition provides a
cohesive grouping of lessons that
foster conceptual understanding
of mathematical skills and concepts
through explicit instruction,
cognitively demanding practice,
and real-world applications.
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*Print samples available October 1, 2017.
Place Value, Addition
and Subtraction
The International
By the Numbers
♦ The first piece of the International Space Station was
launched in 1998.
♦ It has 5
Sadlier® School E il I want to bu d a mpowe
Student Edition The Student Edition provides a co
Place Value, Addition and Subtraction C H APTER
LESSON 1-1Place Value to Billions In January 2
PRACTICE Write the number in standard form. 13.
1-2Expanded Form in expanded form. Billion
PRACTICE Write the name of the place that is 1
CHAPTER 1 Check Your Progress What is the standa
Match. Choose the place that is 10 times the give
1-3 is a LESSON Powers of 10 The Sun is v
PRACTICE Find each product or quotient. 7. 41
1-4 LESSON An animal is classified as a spec
PRACTICE 1. The phylum Porifera has about 9000 s
1-5 Subtraction Rules subtraction to add and su
PRACTICE Show two ways to group the addends. The
1-6Estimate Sums and Differences The table shows
PRACTICE Estimate each sum or difference. 9.
LESSON 1-7Find Sums and Differences The table
PRACTICE Align. Then add or subtract. 7. 6767 s
CHAPTER 1 Review Write the place of the underl
Use front-end estimation or rounding to estimate
CHAPTER 1 Performance Assessment The Internatio
The International Space Station can reach speeds
CHAPTER 1 Fluency Practice Determine the best an
NOTES: ________________________________________
Student Workbook The Student Workbook provides Mo
HOMEWORK Write the number in standard form. 1.
HOMEWORK Write each in standard form. 1. (1 u
HOMEWORK Find each product or quotient. 1. 10
MORE PRACTICE Use the following information for
HOMEWORK Use the following information for Exerc
HOMEWORK Show two ways to group the addends. 1
HOMEWORK Estimate. Use rounding or front-end est
HOMEWORK Add or subtract. 1. 3 9 8 0
NOTES: ________________________________________
Teacher’s Edition The Teacher’s Edition provides:
Place Value, Addition and Subtraction 1 Grade 4
CHAPTER 1Place Value, Addition and Subtraction
Lesson Planner 1-3Powers of 10 SE p. 8 Mu
CHAPTER 1Place Value, Addition and Subtraction
Professional Development Math Words
Professional Development (continued)
C APTER 1 H The International Space Sta
L ESSON 1-1 Place Value to Billions Develop C
Objective ■ Understand place value through billio
guided practice Exercises 1–3 Students should ide
ESSON 1-4 Problem Solving: Use the Four-Step Pro
Objective ■ Solve problems by using the four-step
r ar to 11
Before Leaving the Chapter Essential Qu
Student Reflection 1 CHAPTER Ask studen
Print and Digital Components Develop Mathematical
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