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Best regards
Quick guide
lumbar puncture
Michael B. Stone, MD
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
Portland, OR
The more you see, the more you can do
Ultrasound-facilitated lumbar puncture is particularly useful when
evaluating patients in whom palpation of anatomic landmarks is
challenging or in whom anatomic approaches to lumbar puncture
have failed. Indications for lumbar puncture include infection
(meningitis/encephalitis), aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage,
or elevated intracranial pressure.
Ultrasound-facilitated lumbar puncture
Patient positioning and transducer selection
• While the patient may be positioned
in the lateral recumbent or upright
position, the upright position is
technically less challenging, and
therefore the preferred position if the
patient is able to tolerate sitting upright.
Ultrasound Quick guide Ultrasound-facilitated lu
Ultrasound-facilitated lumbar puncture Patient
Ultrasound-facilitated lumbar puncture • S
Ultrasound-facilitated lumbar puncture • Note
Ultrasound-facilitated lumbar puncture • N
Ultrasound-facilitated lumbar puncture • The
Ultrasound evaluation for the detection of a pleu