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Focused ultrasound exam
for the detection of DVT
Philips tutorial
Michael Blaivas, MD, FACEP
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Northside Hospital Forsyth, Atlanta, Georgia
Focused ultrasound exam for the detection of DVT
1 Introduction 3
2 Indications 5
3 Clinical anatomy 7
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques 11
5 Clinical pearls and tips 34
6 DVT images and video cases 38
7 References 55
Additional resources 56
2 Contents
1 Introduction
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a significant problem in our
modern society and carries a high morbidity and mortality burden.
Ultrasound Focused ultrasound exam for the detec
Contents Focused ultrasound exam for the detecti
1 Introduction Deep venous thrombosis (DV
The DVT exam protocol performed by radiology and
2 Indications Any patient suspected of havi
A typical strategy for the detection of proximal
3 Clinical anatomy Although venous flow i
Inguinal ligament Femoral artery Femoral vein Fe
[Figure 2] Ultrasound image demonstrating bifurca
As the SFV progresses distally, it dives through
4 Ultrasound anatomy and technique Transd
Patient positioning Ideally the patient is in the
Technique The ultrasound exam is performed by com
[Figure 5a] Color overlay on the ultrasound image
[ Video 1 ] Video demon
[ Video 2 ] Video demon
If there is any confusion about vessel identity,
Pulse wave Doppler is the most sensitive and accu
[Figure 7] The Doppler sample volume is placed in
If there is difficulty identifying vasculature fr
[ Video 3 ] Transverse
Continue to compress the CFV through the junction
[Figure 9] This ultrasound image demonstrates the
[ Video 4 ] Long-axis i
Any lack of complete collapse of the venous lumen
Comparing transverse and long-axis images may hig
[Figure 11] In the popliteal fossa the transduce
[Figure 12] Ultrasound image of the popliteal art
[ Video 5 ] The video d
[ Video 6 ] Video demon
[Figure 13] Ultrasound image demonstrating calf v
[Figure 14] Ultrasound image demonstrating the po
It is important to note that nothing precludes th
5 Clinical pearls and tips • Many patients
DVT appearance – DVTs can appear differently depe
Difficult to visualize vasculature – Morbidly obe
Common mimics of DVT pain – There are several com
6 DVT images and video cases
[Figure 16] Example of a large thrombus. There is
[Figure 17] Example of a large thrombus with area
[Figure 18] Long-axis image of a popliteal vein t
[Figure 19] Image on the left is a normal image a
[Figure 20] Long-axis image demonstrating a dista
[Figure 21] Ultrasound image demonstrating a thro
[ Video case 1 ] Video
[ Video case 2 ] Left c
[ Video case 3 ] Video
[ Video case 4 ] Transv
[ Video case 5 ] Longit
[ Video case 6 ] Longit
[ Video case 7 ] Video
[ Video case 8 ] Long-a
[ Video case 9 ] Longit
[ Video case 10 ] Color
7 References 1. Enneking FK, Chan V,
Additional resources For additional resources
This paper reflects the opinion of the author, no