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LabVIEW system
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January 2014
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January 2014 Vol. 38 No. 1
® Accelerating the pace of engineering and sc
Contents continued 50 Software 50 Spa
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UP FRONT NASA's Technology Transfer “Super Tool”
Best performance in a leading role.
Digital Inductive Displacement Sensor. Self Tunin
Dragon II Rugge
Go the distance with new laser sensors Starting
Testing Today's Most Complex Consumer Device: The
COMSOL 4.4 Now Available! www.comsol.com/4.4 E-
Testing Consumer Devices upgrade his device abou
LIKE A KID IN A CANDY STORE That's how you'll
Testing Consumer Devices
NEW VERSION with a high-speed tester. In addition
A p p l i c a t i o n B r i e f s P rototype
A ctuator Meets NASA Requirements for Asteroid Sa
Technology Focus: Sensors Integrity Sensing Wi
capacitance sensing to a variety of technologies
Sensors point on the tire and the output voltage
Rugged. Reliable. Rechargeable. Introducin
Sensors width. This antenna is packaged into a h
to incorporate all of these inputs in a gen- eral
Sensors entist-directed fashion to weigh inputs
comparing identified target locations from the
Manufacturing & Prototyping Additive Manufactu
Others say they're FAST... But do they have the
Manufacturing & Prototyping
ADVERTISEMENT Technologies of the Month Spon
RAD-Hard DC-DC Converters for Space
Centering a DDR Strobe in the Middle of a Data Pa
Electronics/Computers Submerged AUV Charging St
In accordance with Public Law 96-517,
Mechanics/Machinery Habitat Demonstration Unit
Brushless Motors for In-Tank Fuel Pumps The use o
Mechanics/Machinery (PWM) voltage signal enables
Origami-Inspired Folding of Thick, Rigid Panels H
Bio-Medical A Novel Protocol for Decoating and
na are harnessed to actively mix micro- spheres
Bio-Medical power element to separate amino acid
The Exoskeleton and the required elements that co
Physical Sciences Deployable Fresnel Rings Thi
Gather, organize and control data like never befo
Physical Sciences antenna gain by 8.6 dB, a
a cell assembly similar to that of terrestri- al
Software Spacecraft Trajectory
designer to freely create his own shape parameter
Information Technology GPU Lossless Hyperspect
ciency factors for each configuration to ca
Information Technology fused into a simple two-l
any resonant frequency of the airfoil t
Information Technology dences would be character
bands. In the technique, the compressed output fo
Product Spotlight
Product of the Month ABB, Warminster, PA, ha
What's On P O W E R C
Upcoming... Webinars Understanding High-Throu
NASA's Innovative Partnerships Office (IPO) NASA'
Advertisers Index For free product literature, e
Spinoff Spinoff is NASA's annual publication
Test. Fest. We make it easy to find all of yo
Infinite Designs, One Platform with the only
Photonics Solutions for the Design Engineer
Photonic Laser Thrusters for Spacecraft Maneuveri
stration, we discovered that the PLT cavi- ty is
Spacecraft Maneuvering main propulsion, propelli
Figure 3. Examples of PLT station-keeping. Left
Applications Silicon vs. Gallium Arsenide Which
Others say they're FAST... But do they have the
Photonics Tech Briefs V-Assembly Dual-Head Effi
lion shots with zero measurable decay, and e
Photonics Tech Briefs produce a light beam with
state light sources. Furthermore, this design
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Photonics West · February 4-6, 2014 · San Fra
New Products Product of the Month Motorized Zo
DOP Meter Using a patented maximum & mini-
New Products New Products Portable Spectrometer