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Published by
Show Daily
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Notable Lectures
9:00 AM
Partnering for Quality:
A new era
Location: 113ABC
Keynote: Ronald T. Piervincenzi,
Ph.D. United States Pharmacopeial
Convention (USP)
The Frank R. Lautenberg
Chemical Safety For The 21st
Century Act: Requirements and
Location: 118ABC
Keynote: Jeffrey T Morris, Ph.D.
US Environmental Protection Agency
What’s Inside
Welcome letter ............................................ 1
Five minutes with Ronald T. Piervincenzi,
Ph.D., CEO of United States
Pharmacopeia ............................................. 3
Murals as agents of change
in Philadelphia ............................................. 4
SOCMA......................................................... 5
Events at a glance.......................................
Published by Show Daily Tuesday, May 16, 201
PatentPakTM, a CAS Solution Redefnes Finding Chem
Joseph Marks Rutger Oudejans Brand Direc
Serialization (Cont.) economic opportunities in a
▸Five minutes with Ronald T. Piervincenzi
The Sacred Now: Faith and Family in the 21st Cent
With sweeping change in Washington, there’s stren
Events at a glance Tuesday, May 16
Wednesday, May 17
Floor plan and exhibitor list 960 962 963 1065 11
266 2364 2365 2366 61 2460 59
Farmak JSC 2961 Federal E
Innovation & product gallery Berko Pharmace
Exhibitor news Catalent Booth 3101 Catalent con
Haemopharm Healthcare Booth 3124 Fillchoice® room
Cambrex Booth 2219 Cambrex invests in capacity a
Big Sight Exhibition Center, East Halls 1, 2 and
Chiral Technologies Booth 2220 Focused analytica
Regis Technologies Booth 1124 Chicago CMO contin
J-STAR Research Booth 2045 Porton USA Acquires J
12:30 PM J-Star Research, providing a comprehensi
Insight briefings Tuesday, May 16 View all full a
▸Five minutes with Amy Ethier Formulation Scie
Making it big in the oligos market Providers of s
and a faster option,” Oh says. “Those are the two
nostic, and drug labs needing the short oligos fo
Women in Leadership Forum The Women in Leadershi
15 places to eat while in Philadelphia 9. Real Fo
Philadelphia Love Statue Six places to see
▸Five minutes with Thomas M. Connelly Jr. Chief E
Co-located with: 24 - 26 October 2017 Mess
flexible manufacturing. custom solutions. reliabl