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Best regards
Hey, that’s
A story about the
Civil Rights Act
The Turning Point of Lansing
The Davis-Dunnings Bar Association and The Turning Point of Lansing would
like to thank and recognize the following individuals for their assistance and
contribution to their 2013 Law Day contest project:
Story Origination—Young Men of Turning Point
Brandon Beckum
James D. Coles, IV
David DeMeyers
Deandre Yarber Rodriguez
Massamba Thiam
Story Development—Bill Morris and Ed Nicholas
Illustrations-Design—Alejandro Whitehead and Barbara Hranilovich
Hey, that’s NOT FAIR! A story about the
Acknowledgements The Turning Point of La
Rocko and Eli are second graders at Davis Dunning
Rocko first met Eli in line at the cafeteria. Bec
One day at recess, Rocko and Eli were thirsty aft
But when they got to the fountain, some fifth gra
Then it was Rocko’s turn. But Butch said, “I don’
“Hey! That’s NOT FAIR! It’s a school water founta
So Butch and the other fifth graders started crow
“But that water fountain is all the way down the
Rocko and Eli decided to run to class, but were c
“Sorry Miss G. We didn’t want to be late coming i
As the day went on, Rocko became angrier and angr
Miss G. could see that Rocko was still upset and
Rocko, wiping his eyes, gurgled, “I don’t know! I
“I see. Boys, you are correct that we all have th
“I remember my teacher tell- ing me the story of
The boys looked at each other. Eli then spoke up,
“Discrimination is when people treat you unfairly
Eli followed, “Why do people treat other people t
“Sometimes people have a hard time getting along
“My grandmother told me about when people in the
“You are correct, Rocko. People did march for Civ
“Boys, in part, the Elliott- Larsen Act says: “…
“So the Elliot-Larsen Act was written for our sta
Eli piped up, “Oh! One of our spelling words is a
“Correct again, Eli.” Miss G. beamed.
“So, Miss G., are we in trouble for running in th
“Miss G. Are we in trouble for telling?” “No, boy
“Miss G., are those boys in trouble for what they
“Then I have one last question, Miss G. Can I get
Law Day In 1958, President Eisenhower pronounced
Davis-Dunnings Bar Association Founded in 1981,
The Turning Point of Lansing The Turning Point o