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Best regards
Philips ultrasound-guided
mid-thigh sciatic and popliteal
sciatic nerve block tutorial
Francis V. Salinas, MD
Staff Anesthesiologist and Section Head of Orthopedic Anesthesia
Coordinator of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Education
Virginia Mason Medical Center Department of Anesthesiology
Table of contents
Ultrasound-guided mid-thigh sciatic
and popliteal sciatic nerve block
1 Introduction and indications .......................... 3
2 Clinical anatomy ............................................... 6
3 Anatomical relationships ............................. 13
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques ........ 27
5 Clinical pearls and tips .................................. 86
6 References ...................................................... 91
Additional resources .............................. 94
1 Introduction and indications
The sciatic n
Philips ultrasound-guided mid-thigh sciatic and p
Table of contents Ultrasound-guided mid-thigh sc
1 Introduction and indications The sciatic nerve
1 Introduction and indications Sciatic nerve blo
2 Clinical anatomy The sciatic nerve is the prim
2 Clinical anatomy Within the lower gluteal regi
2 Clinical anatomy
Figure 4 Patient in prone position. The cutaneous
2 Clinical anatomy The tibial and common peronea
3 Anatomical relationships and the sonographi
3 Anatomical relationships Within the mid-thigh
Figure 5a In this view the ultrasound transducer
3 Anatomical relationships Figu
Figure 5c If the transducer is rotated 90 degrees
3 Anatomical relationships Within the apex of th
Figure 6a In this view the transducer is placed o
3 Anatomical relationships Figu
Figure 6c The transducer is slid more distal unti
3 Anatomical relationships
More distally in the popliteal fossa, the TN lies
3 Anatomical relationships The CPN diverges from
Recent studies in the quantitative architecture o
3 Anatomical relationships • The absolute amount
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques Poplitea
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 7b Lateral position. 29
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques • Scanni
• Sonographic anatomy: – If the SN components a
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 8b This 2D image is similar to 8a, but wit
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 8d Color power Doppler of the popliteal ar
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Video 1 Traceback sciatic: The transducer is posi
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques The adva
faster onset of sensory and motor block of both c
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 9b The transducer is tilted (angled) sligh
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques – As the
2. Place the transducer in a sterile cover. After
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 10b View of in-plane approach with needle
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 11b The needle-tip entering the lateral as
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figures 11c through 11f. If needle visualization
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 11e The needle-tip has been repositioned s
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 11g Completed ultrasound-guided popliteal
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Video 2 Popliteal sciatic nerve block: The block
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques 4. For a
• After adequate local anesthetic distribution ar
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 12b After acceptable sciatic catheter tip
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 12d 2D image of epidural needle advancing
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 12f 2D image of needle tip being withdrawn
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Video 3 Continuous popliteal sciatic perineural c
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques Mid-thig
Figure 13a Patient is in prone position. A curved
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques – The ch
The high-frequency linear array transducer will p
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques • Sonogr
• Optimize the image by adjusting the frequency,
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 14b Patient in lateral position for mid-th
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques – Prior
3. A 21-gauge 100 mm or 20-gauge 150 mm stimulati
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 15b Needle repositioned superficial to sci
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
5. For a continuous mid-thigh sciatic catheter te
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Video 4 Mid-thigh sciatic nerve block: The block
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Figure 16b The needle has been withdrawn over the
4 Ultrasound anatomy and techniques
Video 5: The 17-gauge Touhy needle approaches the
5 Clinical pearls and tips Anisotropy of the SN
• In order to provide complete surgical anesthesi
5 Clinical pearls and tips Pharmacodynamics: ons
iii.Blockade of the popliteal SN just distal to w
5 Clinical pearls and tips ii. The duration of p
6 References 1. Enneking FK, Chan V, Greger J,
6 References 13. Taboada M, Rodriguez J, Bermu
25. Danelli G, Ghisi D, Fanelli A, et al. The eff
Additional resources Additional resources relate
Philips Healthcare is part of Royal Philips Elect