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Best regards
A case study by
David Tierney, MD FACP
Abbott Northwestern Hospital,
Minneapolis, MN
Program Director, IM Residency
Director, IM Bedside Ultrasound program
A patient
with an aortic
valve vegetation
Philips Lumify case study
A 22 year-old female with a history of recurrent severe
asthma presented to the emergency department with
fever, shortness of breath, and confusion. Point-of-care
ultrasound (POCUS) demonstrated findings consistent
with bilateral pulmonary edema, a mobile aortic valve
vegetation, and moderate mitral regurgitation. Later
in her hospital course, a repeat POCUS exam revealed
antero-septal and apical wall motion abnormalities
likely from an embolic vegetation to the left anterior
descending coronary. After Swan-Ganz catheter
placement an IVC thrombus or a vegetation developed.
A patient with an
Ultrasound A case study by David
A patient with an aortic valve vegetation Clini
POCUS of the heart demonstrated a mobile aortic v
A patient with an aortic valve vegetation
Videos Parasternal long-axi
A patient with an aortic valve vegetation Clin
A patient with an aortic valve vegetation Concl