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Best regards
Choose true or false.
Safeco® identity recovery coverage does not
include expenses for child care.
True False
Incorrect. Lost wages and expenses for child or elder care are
covered, subject to a sub-limit of $250 per day, $5,000 total.
Help-line assistance and case management services are provided
at no additional charge for customers with this endorsement.
Next Question
Correct! Lost wages and expenses for child or elder care are
covered, subject to a sub-limit of $250 per day, $5,000 total.
Help-line assistance and case management services are provided
at no additional charge for customers with this endorsement.
Next Question
Choose true or false.
Safeco equipment breakdown coverage is available
up to a limit of $50,000.
True False
Correct! Safeco equipment breakdown coverage may be
provided for accidental, direct physical loss caused by e
Choose true or false. Safeco® identity recovery c
Incorrect. Lost wages and expenses for child or e
Correct! Lost wages and expenses for child or eld
Choose true or false. Safeco equipment breakdown
Correct! Safeco equipment breakdown coverage may
Incorrect. Safeco equipment breakdown coverage ma
Choose true or false. When you package a Safeco H
Correct! When the same event causes a loss paid u
Incorrect. When the same event causes a loss paid
Choose true or false. Safeco offers up to an addi
Incorrect. Customers can choose up to an addition
Correct! Customers can choose up to an additional
Choose true or false. Personal offense coverage i
Correct! Safeco’s personal offense coverage provi
Incorrect. Safeco’s personal offense coverage pro
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