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Best regards
Contract # 010521-LTS
Sourcewell makes purchasing easy.
Sourcewell (formerly known as NJPA — The National Joint Powers Alliance) is a national
cooperative government partner that focuses on your success by giving you a less
complicated way to purchase what you need. By handling the competitive bid process for
you, Sourcewell enables you to satisfy local bid requirements quickly and effectively.
What is Sourcewell?
Sourcewell is a cooperative government-
sourcing program that assists public agencies
with the costs of their playground purchases
by pooling its members’ purchasing power.
This enables members to enjoy higher quality
products, exceptional service and nationally
leveraged contract pricing. Sourcewell was
established in 1978 and serves as a National
Municipal Contracting Agency under the
authority of Minnesota State Laws and
Statutes 123A.21 and M.S.47
Contract # 010521-LTS
Sourcewell makes purchasing easy. Sourcewell (fo
What is Sourcewell? Sourcewell is a cooperative
Sourcewell also considers quality and credibility
Who is Miracle? Miracle is one of the nation’s f
How does Sourcewell work? Sourcewell has the leg
Who qualifies for Sourcewell membership? • State a
878 E Highway 60 Tol