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The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses
National Student Nurses’Association®
& Columns
pg.10 NEWS: NSNA Editorial…………………………………………………………… 3
Advertising Index…………………………………………………… 4
Membership Benefits & Highlights………………………………… 6
News: NSNA……………………………………………………… 10
Foundation of the NSNA® ………………………………………… 16
Happenings………………………………………………………… 20
Up Close…………………………………………………………… 22
Breakthrough to Nursing Monthly Award Winners…………………… 36
Reflections…………………………………………………………… 40
The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses
2 APRIL/MAY 202108 Imprint
EDITORIAL ©Thinkstock Hey NSNA Family! It s
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 5
MEMBERSHIP Isabelle Nocton Director and Chair, Me
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 7
8 APRIL/MAY 202108
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 9
NSNA: N EWS Important Deadlines Imprint Reporter
NSNA Updates on the Annual Convention and COVID-1
Nursing Profession Mourns the Loss of a Great Lea
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 13
14 APRIL/MAY 202108
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 15
Eileen Bowden, RN Memorial Scholarship Sponsored
Tina Filoromo Scholarship Sponsored by: Tina Filo
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 19
HAPPENINGS Advent Health University Each Friday—
ArlingtonNursingStudents’Association The Arlingto
UP CLOSE The “Up Close” column profiles an e
Lafortune said Broughton was smart and studi- ous
Where Can You Begin Your NURSING CAREER?
If you don’t see what you’re looking for online,
d MEN IN NURSING in the Context of d
lowly, unless he be either perfectly bestialized
References Association of women’s health, obstetr
Exposing Louisa MayAlcott`s Hidden Contributions
dialogue. Furthermore, her experiences shed light
60,000 Reasons to Celebrate:
depression and anxiety, but it wasn’t until I wen
After working with the football team as a student
Inspired by the LADY LAMP WIT
tirelessly and often worked late into the night b
Breakthrough to Nursing (BTN) Monthly Awards Winn
disability when obtaining a new job.” October 20
During several volunteering shifts, our members a
February 2020: Respiratory Health Winner: Salisbu
REFLECTIONS The “Reflections” column features h
chair soccer games. Often, I would find one resid
42 APRIL/MAY 202108
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 43
Special Recognition for the following Exhibitors
Special Recognition for the following Exhibitors
Special Recognition for the following Exhibitors
Special Recognition for the following Exhibitors
Special Recognition for the following Exhibitors
Plan on joining us for the NSN