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Best regards
“NIACC is doing so
many things this year
to improve retention, to
improve student
completion rates and to
improve the overall
student experience. I
couldn't be more pleased
with the direction we
are heading,” said
Dr. Debra Derr,
NIACC President.
It's an Exciting School Year and Many
Big Things are Happening on Campus!
Strategic Plan
Exciting things are happening on the
campus of North Iowa Area Community
College is the recent unveiling of a five-year
strategic plan for the College. The plan was
recently shared with the joint NIACC boards:
Board of Trustees, the Foundation Board and
Alumni Board.
The strategic plan for the next five years will
strive to keep NIACC first in education,
leadership and partnership. The plan addresses
each of these areas separately to identify
“NIACC is doing so many things this year to im
2 Things continued Big BIG THINGS c
for alumni and friends of North Iowa Area Communit
Thank you for supporting the remewal of the I
for alumni and friends of North Iowa Area Communit
Thanks to the following alumni and friends who h
Kurt and Patricia Knoff Jerry and Barb Knoll Rya
The Need for Scholarships Grows As the cost
for alumni and friends of North Iowa Area Communit
Starting a new year of college is a lot more fu
for alumni and friends of North Iowa Area Communit
NIACC Building Trades Students had the privilege o