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Focused echo – assessment
of LV function in the ED
Philips tutorial
Dale Quirke, MD
Wake Emergency Physicians, Wake Medical Hospital, Raleigh, North Carolina
Anthony J. Weekes, MD, RDCS, RDMS
Director, Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship, Carolinas Medical Center
Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Focused echo – assessment of LV function in the ED
1 Introduction 3
2 Assessment of LV function using 2D 9
3 Interpretation 14
4 LVH and cardiomyopathies 22
5 M-mode for the assessment
of LV function 25
6 E-Point Septal Separation (EPSS) 28
7 Fractional Shortening (FS)
Ultrasound Focused echo – assessment of LV func
Contents Focused echo – assessment of LV functi
1 Introduction Echocardiography at the
Prior to the availability of ultrasound in the ED
The ACEP 2006 Emergency Ultrasound Imaging Criter
Additionally, the American College of Cardiology/
In another study by Randazzo et al., the research
This tutorial focuses specifically on the POC ech
2 Assessment of LV function using 2D
Parasternal long-axis (PSLA) view The parasternal
Parasternal short-axis (PSSA) view To obtain a st
Apical four-chamber view The apical four-chamber
Subcostal view The transducer is placed in the su
3 Interpretation 2D imaging for the assessm
Things to consider when assessing LV function ·
[Figure 5a (diastole) and 5b (systole)] Still fra
[Figure 7a (diastole) and 7b (systole)] Still fra
[ Video 1 ] Norm
[ Video 2 ] Mode
[ Video 3] Sever
The measurement of ejection fraction (EF) with co
4 LVH and cardiomyopathies During the routin
Young patients presenting with syncope in whom th
Dilated cardiomyopathy Dilated cardiomyopathy is
5 M-mode for the assessment of LV functio
One of the more common applications of M-mode is
[Figure 11] M-mode of the mitral valve. Note the
6 E-Point Septal Separation (EPSS) The dis
[Figure 12] M-mode of the mitral valve demonstrat
[Figure 12b] M-mode of the mitral valve demonstra
Important things to remember · Valvular dysfunct
[ Video 4 ] Note
7 Fractional shortening (FS) Just as EPSS
The analysis package on the ultrasound system wil
[Figure 13a] Fractional shortening using an M-mod
[Figure 13b] Fractional shortening. M-mode tracin
[Figure 13c] Fractional shortening: common error.
8 Pulsed wave Doppler for the ass
Systole Diastole Systole Dias
In patients with diastolic dysfunction, impaired
[Figure 14b] Pulsed wave Doppler. Note the 2D ref
[Figure 14c] Diastolic dysfunction. This is a pul
9 Summary and clinical pearls In summary,
Listed below are clinical pearls that should be c
10 Bibliography and references 1. Shoemaker
Additional resources For additional resourc
This paper reflects the opinion of the author, no