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Product Catalog
Company Information (01)
NextLock® by Digilock® (07)
Axis (09)
Classic Cam (20)
Sola (28)
Cue (32)
Mech (36)
Key Management (41)
Drawings and Dimensions
Axis (43)
Classic Cam (51)
Sola (55)
Product Catalog
Company Information
1 The Netherlands Dig
4 company We promote Security Simplified® by
7 Axis Standard Keypad Axis Touch RFID
8 Cue Sola Mech
10 standard keypad features Ŷ
11 Standard K
finish Standard finishes are brushed nickel or blac
14 touch RFID features Ŷ T
15 Touch
finish Standard finishes are brushed nickel or blac
17 mobi
program Provide management access and easily main
20 cam keypad features Ŷ K
21 Cam Ke
22 finish
24 cam RFID features Ŷ RFI
25 Cam
finish Standard finish is brushed nickel. Custom fin
28 features Ŷ Keypad opera
29 Sola locks operate with an alphanumeric ke
locking mechanism cam Features a cam (flat or offs
32 features Ŷ Keypad opera
33 Cue locks operate with an alphanumeric key
locking mechanism deadbolt Features a 1/2" (12.7m
36 dial lock features Ŷ Di
37 Dia
finish Standard finish is brushed nickel. mounting
40 features cam lock Ŷ Las
41 Key Management key
user key An ADA compliant option for user access.
43 0.50 in (12 mm) 3.70 in (94
44 2.8 in (71.9 mm) 3.
45 0.50 in (12 mm) 3.70 in (94
46 1.38 in (35.1 mm) 3.46
47 0.50 in (12 mm) 3.70 in (94
48 2.8 in (71.9 mm) 3.
49 0.50 in (12 mm) 3.70 in (94
50 1.38 in (35.1 mm) 3.46 i
51 Cam Ke
1.00 in (2.54cm) 1.71in (4.34cm) 1.66in (4.22cm
53 Cam
1.00 in (2.54cm) 1.71in (4.34cm) 1.66in (4.22cm
56 6.00in [ 152.4mm ]
57 0.50 in (12 mm) 3.70 in (94
3.24 in (82.3 mm)
60 1.71 in (43.5 mm)
61 0.10 in 0.87 in 0.87 in (22 mm) (22
62 1.54 in (39.05 mm) 0.95 i
64 Contact Us Digilock Corporate Headquarters