College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education
M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology
M.S. in Instructional Design and
Technology concentrations:
Distance Learning and Curriculum Design
Human Performance Technology
Project Management and Program Evaluation
UT’s graduate program in instructional design and technology is dedicated to developing engaged, proactive professionals who are prepared to
create effective learning applications suited to education in the 21st century. Students benefit from the program’s focus on small classes and close
interactions with faculty, who possess extensive professional experience and hold doctorate degrees in education. Beyond the valuable mentorship
of their faculty advisors, students enjoy a supportive peer network as they move through the program with a team of colleagues.
A Cutting-Edge Degree in a Lucrative Field
The M.S. in Instruc College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Educa College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Educa What Can You Do With This Degree? Caree College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Educa