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<br /> BioEntrepreneurship<br /> The UniverSiTy Of Tampa SykeS COllege Of BUSineSS<br /> A N D COllege Of naTUral and healTh SCienCeS<br /> IN PArTNErshIP WITh<br /> h. lee mOffiTT CanCer CenTer & reSearCh inSTiTUTe<br /> SYkES COLLEgE OF BUSINESS<br /> <br /> <br /> Twenty years ago there was a call from the National Institutes of<br /> Health (NIH) for medical researchers to structure their research so<br /> that it could more easily translate from the discovery “workbench” to<br /> society at large. The successful commercialization of medical research<br /> discoveries is the most efficient vehicle in achieving this charge from<br /> NIH and has now become a critical skill for medical researchers. The<br /> University of Tampa’s BioEntrepreneurship alliance helps to address<br /> those skills and attributes that researchers must have as<br /> they themselves translate from scientist to bioentrepreneurs.<br /> A rewarding Partnership<br /> “<br /> <a title="BioEntrepreneurship-Brochure-2012 page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/5f62c1e9?page=1"> BioEntrepreneurship The UniverSiTy Of Tampa </a> <a title="BioEntrepreneurship-Brochure-2012 page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/5f62c1e9?page=2"> Twenty years ago there was a call from the Nation</a> <a title="BioEntrepreneurship-Brochure-2012 page 3" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/5f62c1e9?page=3"> “ Working with Moffitt was an en</a> <a title="BioEntrepreneurship-Brochure-2012 page 4" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/5f62c1e9?page=4"> academic excellence real-Worldresults The Syke</a> <a title="BioEntrepreneurship-Brochure-2012 page 5" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/5f62c1e9?page=5"> Entrepreneurship education is the fastest growing</a> <a title="BioEntrepreneurship-Brochure-2012 page 6" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/5f62c1e9?page=6"> Sykes College of Business 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. </a>