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<br /> This document is intended as a companion piece to the<br /> Zmags Form Generator<br /> Click a number to view the example form!<br /> This form uses a bright, colorful background and bold<br /> body text for a very eye-catching presentation. The best<br /> part is that this form's appearance can be completely<br /> overhauled in one step simply by changing the<br /> background color.<br /> This form takes a more reserved, corporate approach. It is<br /> intended to appear very formal, like the website of a<br /> government office or a large university. For a less prim<br /> appearance, consider adding a subtle splash of color to<br /> the background of the title bar, or the submit button.<br /> This form uses a two-tone color scheme to convey an<br /> underlying mood while still maintaining a professional<br /> tone. Keep the default green for a cool, relaxed feeling,<br /> or switch to another pair of colors to change it up<a title="Example Forms page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/68cd5066?page=1"> This document is intended as a companion piece to</a>