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Best regards
Fall 2011
Executive Editor | Lillian Lorenzi
Editor | Kevin Knapp
Art Director | Debra Lashbrook
Photographer | Rick Smith
Production Coordinator | Bonnie Frizzell
Class Notes Coordinator | Shanna Dawson
Staff Writers | Michele Jasukaitus
Eric Reikowski
Fritz Reznor
Susan Thwing
Proofreader | Laurie DiMauro
Oakland University Magazine is published
twice per year. It is distributed free of charge
to alumni, staff and friends. See current and
past issues on oakland.edu/oumag.
Reproduction without permission is
prohibited. ISSN: 1054-6480. Issue No. 85.
Editorial Offices Anibal House, Oakland
University, 2200 North Squirrel Road,
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
Phone (248) 370-3184
Fall 2011
14 16 20 22 24 26 30 32 MAGAZINE
32 30 34 20 DEPARTMENT
Behind the stories 24 26 22 When OU men’s bas
Letters enting. Let me Welcome to OU Magazine’
News OU Magazine wins IABC award
their possessions, Hildebrand says it might be a
News | student life corner St
News Kerri S
Giving Schostak family pledges $1 million to Sch
Pawley family earmarks estate gift to new medical
Join the Oakland University Branch of the MSU
The Gold Standard Claude Baillargeon, Ph.D., a
Sports Erika Polidori
Autumn Cleverley 25th Hall of Honor class Longt
Movie makers Hollywood producer helps align stars
But familial ties remained strong, and he f
Keeping the dream alive Keeper of the Dream schol
Keeper of the Dream award recipient and OU alumna
2012 Coretta Scott King, the late widow of Rev.
Oakland University’s homecoming celebration to
Heavy metal heroes Strong showings in national co
From the drawing board to reality, robots are ris
Laidlaw’s legacy One of OU’s earliest graduates r
Laidlaw (left) accepts the 1998 Distinguished Alu
Standing tall Former OU basketball star Keith Ben
A quick review of the individual awards and recor
New era begins School of Medicine welcomes charte
TOP: Medical students have access to newly design
A perfect mix of historic and hip … DOWNTOWN ROCH
Feet forward Michigan twins setting the pace in N
The Wards opened a New York City storefront
Added value Distinguished professor subtracts the
terms of education in math and science programs,”
Cavalier attitude Banking exec capitalizes on his
“I was so lucky that Oakland was there for
Theresa Finck Photography TIMELESS F ELEGANT F
Give the gift of Grizz gear Check out the range
Alumni OUAA Board of Directors Board Ch
IamOU Welcome to the Oakland University Alumni As
We want to hear from you, Alumni! Send us the la
Alumni Also attending was a
Alumni Grizzly Getaway Alumni Travel
Alumni | class notes Career/Accomplishments 197
Alumni Profile “I always knew I was good at
Alumni Profile
Colleen Ochoa-Peters, CAS ‘87, joined Forgotten H
Alumni | class notes is currently pursuing a do
Alumni Profile Retired teacher draws from life ex
Alumni Profile © 2007, Sam Parsons, CSUS/ATCS A
School of Nursing. Starting in the fall of 2011,
OU Moment
IamOU “Scholarships have added a dimension to my
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