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Ultrasound-guided central venous
Philips tutorial
Michael B. Stone, MD, RDMS
Department of Emergency Medicine
Alameda County Medical Center –
Highland General Hospital
Arun Nagdev, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine
Alameda County Medical Center –
Highland General Hospital
Table of contents
Ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Clinical case ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Anatomy................................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Ultrasound techniques .......................
Ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization
Table of contents Ultrasound-guided central ven
1 Introduction Central venous catheterization (
2 Clinical case A 74 year old female with a pas
3 Anatomy The internal jugular vein is a direct
3 Anatomy The position of the internal jugular
Depending on individual anatomic variation, patie
3 Anatomy In addition, the internal jugular vei
3 Anatomy
The right internal jugular vein is generally pref
4 Ultrasound technique Ensure that the ultrasou
Most physicians use a high-frequency linear trans
4 Ultrasound technique
Based on this screening exam, choose the side and
4 Ultrasound technique
4 Ultrasound technique Although an assistant ca
4 Ultrasound technique However, in cases when a
4 Ultrasound technique
Things to keep in mind: • The physician should be
4 Ultrasound technique
When the needle is passed correctly, the needle t
4 Ultrasound technique
When blood flashback is obtained, the guide wire
4 Ultrasound technique
As stated on page 27, direct visualization of gui
5 Clinical pearls • Examine both sides of the n
6 Case resolution Using ultrasound guidance, th
7 Bibliography 1. McGee DC, Gould MK. Preventin
Additional resources Additional resources relat
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