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Ipls Proceedings
State Bar of Michigan
Volume 28 • Issue 2 • 2017
In ThIs Issue
2016-2017 Supreme Court Intellectual
Property Review ............................... 1
View from the Chair ................................ 2
In Helsinn Healthcare, the Federal
Circuit Offers Guidance on the
On-Sale Bar under the AIA ............. 14
The Great Divide – Sorting Out Method
Claims and Multiple Actors ............. 16
2016-2017 Supreme Court Intellectual
Property Review
By Christopher C. Smith and David C. Berry
The U.S. Supreme Court’s October 2016 term was a blockbuster term for
intellectual property issues. The Court decided five patent-related cases, as well as
important copyright and trademark cases. The following is a concise review of the
Court’s IP decisions:
Patent: Court Restricts Venue in Pa
Ipls Proceedings State Bar of Mi
View from the Chair The culmination of
2016-2017 Supreme Court ... Continued from page 1
corporation defendants, the TC Heartland decision
Second, the Court held that exhaustion applie
a patent infringement action, “[e]xcept as otherw
cumstances a single “main” component constitutes
Design Patent: Court Limits Damages, Vacates Appl
lar patented technology found to infringe. Althou
In addition, Justice Alito noted a lack o
Practical Si
The Court ruled that, under the Act, a pic
pause to companies considering design patent prot
In Helsinn Healthcare, the Federal Circuit Offers
filed). However, the court quoted floor statemen
The Great Divide – Sorting Out Method Claims and
• the availability of Limelight customer servic
Dispelling uncertainty Prudent patent applic