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Ipls Proceedings
State Bar of Michigan
Volume 25 • Issue 3 • 2014
In ThIs Issue
U.S. Supreme Court Patent
Case Review...................................... 1
View from the Chair ................................ 2
Contingency Fees for IP Cases – Why
They Make Sense .............................. 8
Patent Prosecution: Section 101
Rejections After Alice ....................... 10
Preliminary Examination Instructions in
view of the Supreme Court Decision
in Alice Corporation Ply. Ltd. v. CLS
Bank International, et al. .................. 10
Supreme Court: Generic Computer
Implementation Does Not Render
Abstract Ideas Patentable................ 13
Alice Aftermath: Frequent 101 Rejections
and Infrequent Allowance in
Ipls Proceedings State Bar of Mi
View from the Chair The New Year is just
U.S. Supreme Court Patent Case Review ... Continu
functioned as the intermediary. One Alice patent
Supreme C
to be applied as of the application filing date.
tion, and is available when, based on the totalit
U.S. Supreme Court Patent Case Review ... Continu
Second, many patents and trademarks are hel
Patent Prosecution: Section 101 Rejections After
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide prel
and the other exceptions. Thus, an invention is n
version process (Parker v. Flook, 437 U.S
generic computer. The Court emphasized that “[s]t
Alice Aftermath: Frequent 101 Rejections and Infr
Prevalence of Allowances has Selectively and Dram
is to be committed to an innovation upon receivin
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