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Ultrasonography of the adult lumbar
spine for central neuraxial blockade
Philips tutorial
Ki Jinn Chin, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, Toronto Western Hospital
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vincent Chan, MD, FRCPC
Professor, Department of Anesthesia, Toronto Western Hospital
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ultrasonography of the adult lumbar spine
for central neuraxial blockade
1 Introduction 3
2 Gross anatomy 4
3 Sonographic technique
and sonoanatomy 9
4 Clinical pearls and tips 30
5 Indications for use 36
6 Conclusion 39
7 References
Ultrasound Ultrasonography of the adult lumbar s
Contents Ultrasonography of the adult lumbar s
1 Introduction The application of ultra
2 Gross anatomy General anatomy of the spine
[Figure 1] Three-quarter oblique view (A) and pos
Within the vertebral canal lie the thecal sac (fo
These spaces are further enlarged by forward flex
Supraspinous ligament Interspinous ligament Lig
3 Sonographic technique and sonoanatomy
Transverse plane Coronal plane
Ultrasonographic views of the spine Pattern recog
There are five basic ultrasonographic views 1. P
[Figure 4] Paramedian sagittal transverse process
2. Paramedian sagittal (PS) articular process vie
[Figure 5] Paramedian sagittal articular process
3. Paramedian sagittal (PS) oblique view Onc
[Figure 6] Paramedian sagittal oblique view of th
Small sliding and tilting movements of the transd
[ Video 1 ] Video
Accurate identification of intervertebral spaces
[Figure 7] Paramedian sagittal oblique view of th
[Figure 8] Surface marking to guide needle insert
[ Video 2 ] Video demo
4. Transverse spinous process view Having c
[Figure 9] Transverse spinous process view of the
5. Transverse interlaminar view Sliding the
[Figure 10] Transverse interlaminar view of the l
[ Video 3] Video d
Unlike the PS oblique view, the ligamentum flavum
4 Clinical pearls Accuracy of skin marking I
The obese patient In obese patients, structures a
The elderly patient The problem in elderly patien
[ Video 4 ] Video
[ Video 5 ] Video
5 Indications for use There are three main a
There is also some evidence that ultrasound-guida
3. Identification of intervertebral level In
Errors are more likely in the early stages of lea
6 Conclusion Ultrasound-guided neuraxial blo
7 References 1. de Filho GR, Gomes HP,
20. Yamauchi M, Honma E, Mimura M, Yamamoto H, Ta
36. Chin KJ, Perlas A, Singh M, Arzola C, Prasad
54. Karmakar MK. Ultrasound for central neuraxia
Additional resources For additional resources
This paper reflects the opinion of the author, no