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intercostal nerve block
Philips tutorial
Hariharan Shankar, MD
Associate Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Vincent WS Chan, MD
Professor, Department of Anesthesia, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ultrasound-guided intercostal nerve block
1 Introduction 3
2 Clinical anatomy 4
3 Sonoanatomy 8
4 Scanning technique 13
5 Nerve localization 18
6 Needle insertion technique 22
7 Clinical pearls 28
8 References 30
Additional resources
Ultrasound Ultrasound-guided intercostal nerve b
Contents Ultrasound-guided intercostal nerve bl
1 Introduction Intercostal nerve block
2 Clinical anatomy There are 12 ribs on each
· An anterior branch that exits near the midline
The ICNs provide muscular branches to the interco
Deep to the innermost intercostal muscle is the p
3 Sonoanatomy · Even with a high-frequency t
[Figure 2b] Sonogram of a transverse view demonst
· The external and internal intercostal muscles a
· The pleura line is a shimmering hyperechoic str
[Figure 5] Sonogram of a transverse view demonstr
4 Scanning technique Position the patient
· A useful technique to identify the level for bl
[Figure 7] A high-frequency linear transducer is
· A lower frequency transducer may be needed for
[Figure 8] Sonogram of the parasagittal view dem
5 Nerve localization · Place a high-freque
[Figure 9] Sonogram demonstrating a intercostal
· Lateral to the costal angle, identify the exter
[Figure 10] The surrogate ICN site is a hypoecho
6 Needle insertion technique Ultrasound-gu
Parasagittal in-plane approach · With the transd
[Figure 11] Sonogram of a parasagittal view with
[ Video 1 ] Vide
Parasagittal out-of-plane approach · With the tr
Transverse approach · There is no clear indicati
7 Clinical pearls Incomplete block Misinter
Needle visualization As visualization of a 25-G n
8 References 1. Patel SI, Joshi MY. Neurost
Additional resources For additional resourc
This paper reflects the opinion of the author, no