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JanuaryFebruary 2009 • Vol. 2, No. 1
Materials • Technology • Trends
Boston’s Liberty Hotel
A model for historic preservation
The Unitized Flashing System:
A case history
Masonry Education Spotlight:
Where to earn those CEUs
Design for Safety:
New product innovations
The owners were stunned when brick started
falling off their 26-story residential building,
located on the New Jersey shore. What a costly
way to discover inadequate moisture-control
in your wall cavities!
Moisture occurs quite naturally in masonry wall
cavities. Wind-driven rain or snow can infiltrate the
tiniest fissures, or condensation may form where
cool interior walls meet warm, humid outdoor air.
If that moisture isn't expelled, quickly and con-
sistently, it can cause premature wall-failure or
hazardous m
JanuaryFebruary 2009 • Vol. 2, No. 1 Mat
The owners were stunned when brick started fallin
JanuaryFebruary 2009 Volume 2, Number 1 table of
Looking for a Mason Contractor? I'T's gBrs***""
26 34 columns & departments 6 Letter
Contact the Mason Contractors Association of Amer
from the publisher | by John Llewellyn T
??? MASONR DESIGN Materials, Technology, Trends
from the editor | by Cory Sekine-Pettite
rr^ ONircsssa MARTa Her Museum MASONRY! MASONRY i
Minimizing Masonry Litigation | by Norm Cooper,
the violating structures must be demolished
Industry News Danish Architect Jørn Utzon Die
EPA and Partners Kick Off Annual Green Building D
Industry News
The report concludes that construc- tion ac
Materials The Unitized Fla
of Gary, Ind., solved the riddle of bringing all
Materials The product’s redundant protections
Conrad was impressed. “Many architects wouldn
Masonry Education Spotlight People venturin
Education Most associations for architects a
Rehabilitation Boston’s L
(above and opposite
was composed of new brick (from Endicott Clay) an
Rehabilitation BY THE NUMBERS:
four-and five-story atriums facing to the exterio
Another key factor in the preservation and c
Safety Design for Safet
and spinal discs. MSDs represent 40 percent of re
Safety (right) © 200
The masonry industry, architects/designers, safet
new products| Brick, Block and Stone From
advertiser’s index | page# • company • phon
Masonry International | Photos courtesy of DKV
Sandell's Copper Flashing Its high corrosion resi