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Best regards
Fall 2017
12 Pitesky’s Poultry
We all work hard to keep our
backyard flocks safe from
disease, but how much thought goes into
protecting them from predators? Predation
can come not only from the side when
fencing is breached, but from above, as
well. Maurice Pitesky offers some solid anti-
predation strategy.
18 Plain talk
When we last left our plucky
feed pellet it had been born in
a feed mill, bagged-and-shipped, and was CLICK
about to be eaten by a chicken. What happens
next is the how-and-why miracle of chicken HERE
digestion, from the first swallow onward.
30 the back story yotuorsFigRnEEupdifgoirtal
People who raise chickens subscription to
Fall 2017 12 Pitesky’s Poultry
www.idealpoulty.com Reader
Contents Fall 2017 6 From the editor More peopl
From the editor the Five Feathers of success In t
feeders and chicken waterers do because there are
SURVEY andy wants to hear about you! Please take
CONTEST Faultless Feeding Contest Enter to wi
The trusted name in poultry health for 20 years.
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors Good Fences mak
PITESKY'S POULTRY All predators are not (all) b
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors Figure 1 Examples
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors Figure 2 Be a det
PLAIN TALK Chicken digestion A pellet’s perspecti
Chicken Digestion Part II
PLAIN TALK Opening wide The beak is hard,
Chicken Digestion Part II manageable size, thos
PLAIN TALK proteins; and the insulin is decons
Chicken Digestion Part II can be used again elsew
HOT TOPICS new world and old world Quail A who
New World and Old World Quail
HOT TOPICS What is a quail? A quail is a g
New World and Old World Quail their young. Thi
HOT TOPICS Scientific Classification Kingdom
New World and Old World Quail eggstremec ps.com b
THE BACK STORY Curing & smoking Poultry meat Tast
Curing & Smoking Poultry Meat
THE BACK STORY smoked meat is certainly
Curing & Smoking Poultry Meat
THE BACK STORY Curing meat If you think b
Curing & Smoking Poultry Meat will need to fin
THE BACK STORY needed and a larger syringe wil
Curing & Smoking Poultry Meat Smoking meat
Curing & Smoking Poultry Meat
MARKET PLACE NUTRA-GLO TM Nutritional Feed Suppl
WelCoMe to suMMer subsCription speCial Welcome to
REAL REVIEW review: Grandpa’s Feeder By Lisa P
Grandpa’s Feeder www.chickendoorso.com
REAL REVIEW Minimal assembly required I wa
Grandpa’s Feeder Fewer refills The large fe
Healthy All natural, no antibiotics, no egg di