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NU-edge: Where Nature Meets the Built Environment.
Little Tikes Commercial is on the edge of adventure with this exciting new approach to playground
design! Natural Urban Edge was inspired by the outdoors and all the fun activities that happen there.
We have taken both urban and rustic features from our environment and fused them into one new
and exciting play experience. The NU-Edge play components simulate nature and instill in kids the
fun and excitement of exploring the outdoors.
1 littletikescommercial.com
The natural elements of the NU-Edge
Little Tikes Commercial has designed a play system allows children to create
their own adventur
NU-edge: Where Nature
natural nat·u·ral adjective 1. existing in or for
Log Slice Climber The traditional spiral
urban ur·ban adjective
Flexible X Climber This climber brings the edgy l
edge edge noun
Truss Overhead Ladder The Truss Overhead L
Clubhouse Rope Scramble
Clubhouse Clubhouse is the perfect connecting hub
Double Wall Climber Kids can push their personal
more new components Thrilling Raft Rider I
Arched Log Climber Our traditional arch shaped st
materials The NU-Edge playground is designed with
Exclusive Naturtek by Little Tikes Commercial
color palettes Natural Palette Posts-Brown Accen
Create a Custom Design for your NU-Edge™ playgrou
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