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ISSN 1752-2935 (online)
Vol.10 · Issue 4 · May/June 2015 www.semiconductor-today.com
III-V nanoscale devices
on silicon wafers
NXP selling RF Power business·Cree files for Power & RF IPO
Cree restructuring LED Products ·Soitec divests solar systems
Lower Cost LEDs
Faster LED Adoption
Another breakthrough from Veeco. This time it’s EPIK.
Introducing Veeco’s new TurboDisc® EPIK700™ GaN MOCVD system
As global consumption for LED general lighting accelerates, manufacturers need bigger, better
MOCVD technology solutions that increase productivity and lower manufacturing costs.
The EPIK700 MOCVD system combines Veeco’s award-winning TurboDisc reactor design with
improved wafer uniformity, increased productivity and reduced operations expenses to enable
a cost per wafer savings of up t
ISSN 1752-2935 (online) semiconductorTODAY COMPOU
Lower Cost LEDs Faster LED Adoption Another br
3 contents Editorial
4 editorial Trends in power/RF & lighting Recent
6 news IR LED market for surveillance applicatio
News: Markets 7 Data-center transceiver market to
8 News: Markets Innovations to sustain silicon's
News: Markets 9 Wireless backhaul RF component re
10 News: Microelectronics Anadigics' revenue fall
News: Microelectronics 11 growth opportunity for
12 News: Microelectronics Qorvo's quarterly reven
News: Microelectronics 13 yet to come and we fee
14 News: Microelectronics Skyworks' quarterly rev
News: Microelectronics 15 Skyworks opens design c
16 News: Microelectronics IBM develops technique
News: Microelectronics 17 General manager and VP
18 News: Microelectronics Avago to acquire Broad
News: Microelectronics 19 DelfMEMS' SP12T RF-MEMS
20 News: Microelectronics NXP to sell RF Power bu
News: Microelectronics 21 Infineon and Google to
22 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Anvil involved
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 23 GeneSiC offers
24 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Rohm starts mas
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 25 Princeton Power
26 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Luftstrom proje
28 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Cree registers
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 29 IHS reports dev
30 News: Wide-bandgap electronics IDT teams with
32 News: Wide-bandgap electronics GaN Systems rai
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 33 MACOM launches
34 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Raytheon comple
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 35 Transphorm rece
36 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Northrop Grumma
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 37 Freescale launc
38 News: Wide-bandgap electronics Exagan raises €
News: Wide-bandgap electronics 39 Silicon foundry
40 News: Materials and processing equipment AXT's
News: Materials and processing equipment 41 Soite
42 News: Materials and processing equipment Cardi
News: Materials and processing equipment 43 SemiT
44 News: Materials and processing equipment Veeco
News: Materials and processing equipment 45
46 News: Materials and processing equipment Aixtr
News: Materials and processing equipment 47
48 News: Materials and processing equipment Epile
News: Materials and processing equipment 49 Chine
50 News: Materials and processing equipment Park
News: Materials and processing equipment 51 Resea
52 News: Materials and processing equipment Rubic
News: Materials and processing equipment 53 “T
54 News: LEDs Semi-polar GaN LED firm Seren wins
News: LEDs 55 RayVio claims record 30W/cm2 DUV LE
56 News: LEDs Samsung unveils second-gen CSP tech
58 News: LEDs Leti demonstrates new process for f
Pick your size. The Temescal UEFC-4900–ultimate
60 News: LEDs Cree restructuring LED Products bus
News: LEDs 61 Osram launches variable LED family
62 News: LEDs Osram develops high-power Duris S 1
News: LEDs 63 Osram's new four-chip Ostar Project
64 News: Optoelectronics FBH reports record 2kW o
News: Optical communications 65 VI Systems wins €
66 News: Optical communications POET appoints Glo
News: Optical communications 67 Mellanox announce
68 News: Optical communications IBM unveils fully
70 News: Optical communications GigOptix reports
News: Optical communications 71 GigOptix launches
72 News: Optical communications JDSU's quarterly
News: Optical communications 73 up from 6.5% a y
74 News: Optical communications Oclaro's revenue
News: Optical communications 75 customers for da
76 News: Optical communications Finisar's quarter
News: Optical communications 77 NeoPhotonics' rev
78 News: Optical communications Emcore's quarterl
News: Optical communications 79 partners and exp
80 News: Photovoltaics Soitec divests solar syste
News: Photovoltaics 81 CEA Tech and Fraunhofer IS
82 News: Photovoltaics Solar Junction developing
News: Photovoltaics 83 Imec reports perovskite PV
84 News: Photovoltaics First Solar raises thin-fi
News: Photovoltaics 85 First Solar and OrionGroup
86 News: Photovoltaics Sharc25 EU project targets
News: Photovoltaics 87 TSMC raises its commercial
88 News: Photovoltaics Flisom gains $10.7m more f
News: Photovoltaics 89 Solar Frontier completes a
90 Technology focus: Lasers Long-wavelength room
Technology focus: Lasers 91 The hetero- struct
92 Technology focus: Lasers Red lasers from III-
Technology focus: Lasers 93 sen to improve optic
94 Technology focus: UV LEDs Sidewall emission-
Technology focus: UV LEDs 95 put power (LOP), EQ
96 Technology focus: GaN-on-silicon Stressed out
Technology focus: GaN-on-silicon 97 Figure 2. (a
98 Technology focus: GaN-on-silicon Raising GaN
Technology focus: GaN-on-silicon 99
100Technology focus: Silicon carbide Opening win
Technology focus: Silicon carbide101
102Technology focus: Silicon carbide Figure 3.
Technology focus: Silicon carbide103 dose 2x1015
104Technology focus: Silicon carbide
ISSN 1752-2935 (online) semiconductorTODAY COMP
106Technology focus: III-Vs on silicon InGaAs-on
Technology focus: III-Vs on silicon107 The fin
108Technology focus: Terahertz electronics Direc
Technology focus: Terahertz electronics109 The
110 suppliers' directory Index 1 Bulk crystal s
Suppliers' Directory111 MARUWA CO LTD 3-83, Minam
112 Suppliers' Directory Tel: +1 510 793 2559 Fax
Suppliers' Directory113 Praxair Electronics (see
114 Suppliers' Directory 12 Inspectionequipment
Suppliers' Directory115 Semiconductor Technology
116 event calendar If you would like your event
Event Calendar117 6–10 September 2015 16th confe
ISSN 1752-2935 (online) semiconductorTODAY COMP