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Best regards
n vironmental Assessment
EMERGING LESSONS SERIES NO. 3 | The Inspection Panel
Environmental Assessment
April 2017
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433
Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org
Some rights reserved
1 2 3 4 19 18 17 16
This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank Inspection Panel with external contributions. The
findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of
The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank
does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denomina-
tions, an
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and
Contents Executive Summary
Executive Summary This report on environmental
projects in all environmental categories and
Abbreviations BP Bank Procedures BRT
Introduction The Inspection Panel was created in
assessment. Since the ESF is not expected to take
Methods Emerging lessons were drawn by analyzing
Results The subset of 31 cases provides a wide s
© World Bank/Inspection Panel. Further permission
and also issues related to gender and disadvantag
consideration of not only alternative locations,
narrow approach, some residents of Barranco were
Cameroon coast, and large-scale regional oil and
LESSON 2: Consideration of Both Social and Natura
forced and child labor. Finally, new efforts were
Mitigation through the Environmental Management P
by the EMP, and that resulted in concerns about t
project had created the Kalagala Offset Area to p
Impacts on Cultural Resources The World Bank defi
safety during construction and decommissioning of
safeguards were not triggered as project financin
adequately prevent adverse social and environment
especially the needed social expertise. They were
In conjunction with the Panel’s investigation
© World Bank/Inspection Panel. Further permission
related to gender-based violence and child protec
Effective Monitoring and Follow-up The Panel’s ca
and social monitoring or evaluation of the effect
© World Bank/Inspection Panel. Further permission
construction and implementation of the resettleme
© World Bank/Inspection Panel. Further permission
TABLE 1 Summary of Emerging Lessons from Enviro
investigations of projects with Category A (18) a
Appendix A Summary of the World Bank Policy on En
strategic environmental and social assessment to
Preparing the EA Report OP 4.01 provides that the
Instruments OP 4.01 identifies a range of instrum
Appendix B List of Panel Cases Analyzed Case
Appendix C Summary of the Main Cases Studied Cha
Request for Inspection, the complainants claimed
participation, and information disclosure. The Pa
aspects, which subsequently led to inadequate lev
balanced approach by emphasizing appropriate mode
Uganda Private Power Generation Project The proje
investigation of the project in response to a Req
They also claimed that information disclosure and
socio-cultural dynamics of the historical Barranc
broadly through its contributions to global green
estimated by the project authorities. Additionall
implementation of villagization, but also noted t
identify the problem of forced and child labor, a
violence and the need for child protection. These
Appendix D Summary of the Discussion at the Relea
“How can one decide the (environmental risk)
Notes 1. The Inspection Panel serves as an indep
Bibliography Food and Agriculture Organization o
____. 2016. Uganda Transport Sector Development P