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Best regards
Products and Services for American Dairymen
Vol. 39 No. 01 • January 2013
Bottom Line in Profitability
Brian Gerrits, Lake Breeze Dairy, states “We have
implemented MARGINSMART on our dairy
and it has made an immediate impact. We now
know at any time during the day what our milk
margins and general profitability oppor tunities are.
MARGINSMART is now the most important tool we
have in managing our price risk and profitability.”
11Dear Mr. Legislator:
American Dairymen reprints a powerful,
personal letter aimed at the lawmaking branch of our
government. The letter was found on Willie Nelson’s
website and should resonate with most American
dairy producers.
13 Keeping Chemical
Washdown Safe
Contents American Products and Services for
From the Publisher sup and ma firs on adv fact m
Barney the bull says.... Are you using the PROC
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Cover Story The Bottom W e all live in a wor
Milk Margins and Price Risk Management MARGIN
Cover Story and how these all really affect your
Milk Margins and Price Risk Management in dairy
Cover Story
Udder Stuff Feed Carbs Safely Feeding rap
Dairy News Briefs Avoid Heifer Growth Bottlenec
Udder Stuff
matted Two sizes available is a trademar
• Buying & Selling; Claas and JD 5400-5830 and
Why cross with Normande? low grain adaptability
C ‘Fast results...’ whether milking in a parl
Four years straight as the unanimous choice!
American Products and Services for American
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