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Best regards
Outlook 2011
Digital Publishing and Rich Media Marketing
What will next year bring? We asked the experts!
© copyright 2010 - Zmags inc.
Dear reader,
If I have learned one thing from founding and leading
Zmags in the last five years, it has been that this market
is hard to predict. Just step back one year: Nobody knew
what an iPad was, and only the true innovators saw
the value of adding rich media to publications
like magazines and catalogs. Today, it’s a whole
different story.
At Zmags, we targeted a select group of industry experts, innovative
customers and trend spotters, who know our specific market space,
and asked them a single question: -what do they expect to happen in
the year to come. They could answer this question either in an essay
or as a video. I hope you find inspiration in the variety of answers this
magazine brings.
Enjoy -- and Happy H
Outlook 2011 Digital Publishing and Rich Media Ma
Dear reader, If I have learned one thing from fo
“ What is your prediction for how digital publ
Name: Jens Karstoft Title: C
Name: Chris Brogan Title: Pr
Name: Carolyn Morgan Title:
Name: Jamie Turner Title: Ch
Name: Russell Clark Title: E
Name: Rob Grady Title: Presi
Name: Joe Pulizzi Title: Fou
Name: Cindy Marks Title: Own
Name: Colin Crawford Title:
Name: Henriette Weber Title:
Name: Dan Blank Title: Found
Name: Andrew Davis Title: Co
Name: Bruce Hudson Title: Fo
Name: Peter Houston Title: E
Name: Jerry Gentemann Title:
Name: Ann Handley Title: Chi
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