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FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 • VOL. 62, NO. 2
The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses ®
& Columns
Editorial…………………………………………………………… 4
pg.8 Slate of Membership Benefits & Highlights………………………………… 6
Candidates News: Slate of 2015 Candidates…………………………………… 8
Announced Convention Updates………………………………………… 9 National Student Nurses’Association®
Community Health/Disaster Preparedness ………………………… 13
Up Close………………………… ……………………………… 15
Foundation of the NSNA………………………………………… 16
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FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 • VOL. 62, NO. 2 Imprint
2 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 Imprint
Advertisement Removed NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.or
EDITORIAL Kimberly Korn Imprint Editor ©Thinksto
Advertisement Removed NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.or
Spread the Word By Elizabeth Long, Vice President
N E W S : NSNA® 2015 Slate of Candidates Announ
N E W S : CONVENTION UPDATES 63rd Anniversary C
Come Celebrate with Us on Opening Night!
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 11
Advertisement Removed 12 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015
COMMUNITY H E A L T H ©Thinkstock Thom
Advertisement Removed 14 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015
UP CLOSE ©Thinkstock By Kristin Zinsmeister Mus
The Foundation was created in honor of Frances To
PRESIDENT’S CORNER ©Thinkstock By Kelly Hun
Advertisement Removed 18 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015
HAPPENINGS ©Thinkstock The “Happenings” column h
(Continued from page 19) Maryland Maryland Associ
GLOBAL INITIATIVES in Nursing The Global Initiat
(Continued from page 21) • Because phages are tar
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NEC Committee Members and NSNA® Election Areas by
(Continued from page 24) He or she will be an ass
IMAGE OF NURSING ©Thinkstock The Image o
Relish you Publishin uthorship e l A Prepare
From EBP Project to Publication in Ten Steps Cong
(Continued from page 29) • Describe the plannin
Becoming a Green RN By Kathy Murphy
(Continued from page 31) Plastics are petroleum-b
for environmental health awareness, (2) to advoca
©Thinkstock As a first-year nursing student n
For the downtown exercise facility initiative, my
(Continued from page 35) Confidently present the
A Series Of Impacts ©Thinkstock By Lilian Cana
Above: OVARYou Project Infor
Above: Lilian Canamo presenting OVARYou lecture a
Why I Chose to Become a Mentor and Why You Should
Like a growing number of college students, I am a
©Thinkstock Leadership has transcended from somet
Advertisement Removed NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.or
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 45
REFLECTIONS ©Thinkstock The “Reflections” column
(Continued from page 46) Five years of reflection
ADVERTISING Index 5 American Public University