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<br /> Up on Play Schools Issue 5<br /> New school year,<br /> new playground designs<br /> The start of the school year brings about lots of change—<br /> new classrooms, students, teachers, and schedules.<br /> It's also a great time to start thinking about upcoming<br /> school playground projects.<br /> Whether you're designing an entirely new playground or<br /> freshening up an existing play space, don't forget to include Oodle® Swing<br /> freestanding play components. Playground activities set<br /> Zip rooz™K apart from a main play structure allows kids to step away for<br /> some quiet time or break into smaller play groups. Better yet,<br /> freestanding play components can bring children of all abilities<br /> and ages into the same space for collaborative play.<br /<a title="Up on Play: Schools page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8824db39?page=1"> Up on Play Schools Issue 5</a> <a title="Up on Play: Schools page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8824db39?page=2"> New school year, new playground designs The star</a> <a title="Up on Play: Schools page 3" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8824db39?page=3"> CASE STUDY: From prison yard to grandma’s yard </a> <a title="Up on Play: Schools page 4" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8824db39?page=4"> Playground spinners Think back to your days spent</a> <a title="Up on Play: Schools page 5" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8824db39?page=5"> Calendar of Events Looking forward to seeing and </a>