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The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses
National Student Nurses’Association®
& Columns
pg.10 A Look Back at 3
Our 2016 Annual Write On…………………………………………………………… 5
Convention! Membership Benefits & Highlights………………………………… 6
News: NSNA……………………………………………………… 9
A Look Back at Convention………………………………………… 10
Foundation of the NSNA® ………………………………………… 13
How to Get Published in Imprint®…………………………………… 39
The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses
2 APRIL/MAY 2016 Imprint
EDITORIAL ©Thinkstock By Sabrina Lozier Imprint
4 APRIL/MAY 2016
WRITE ON The “Write On” column
MEMBERSHIP Caroline Miller Vice President and Cha
8 APRIL/MAY 2016
NSNA: NEWS Calls for Study Tips One of Imprin
A Look BACK at Convention! NSNA’s 64th
12 APRIL/MAY 2016
The Foundation was created in honor of Frances To
Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship for Baccalau
ONS Scholarships Sponsored by: Oncology Nursing S
Building a Culture of Health through a Campaign f
Sidebar 2: Develop leadership by serving on board
Sidebar 3: Removing barriers to practice through
due to the IOM report. Nurses are often the media
References AACN. (2015). Nursing Workforce Develo
Quinn, W. (2015). Removing Barriers to Practice &
Achieving Expertise By Shonta D. Collins
According to Merriam-Webster’s New American Dicti
For example, the skin is a little cooler than it
Wisdom From a Living Legend in Nursing By
With those retirements, we are going to need to t
CONSCIENCE B CONDUCT: Putting Ethical Prin
According to the American Nurses Association (ANA
mann, 2012). Now is the time to practice that adv
HCAHPS and What New Its Impact on Nursing Care:
The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Pr
care about their complete wellbeing can have a la
Nurses Addressing LGBT Health Needs by Larisa Men
34 APRIL/MAY 2016
(Continued from page 33) Michelle Novie-Herman st
36 APRIL/MAY 2016
‘Twas the Night Before NCLEX An adaptation from
38 APRIL/MAY 2016
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 39
40 APRIL/MAY 2016
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 41
REFLECTIONS The “Reflections” column features h
me build significantly important character traits