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Best regards
Schedule of Events
Friday, October 2nd
Cattle available for viewing all day.
6:00 - 8:00 PM Social hour with fajita dinner
Saturday, October 3rd
8:00 AM Continental breakfast
8:00 AM Cattle available for viewing
10:30 AM Heart of the Herd Production Sale
Sale Manager
Robbins Cattle Marketing
Bruce Robbins
210.861.5136 | robbinscattle@att.net
Lawrence, Lauren & George Lyssy
210.414.2119 | lyssybeefmasters@gmail.com
Burnell & Laura Gates
Kris Fore - Ranch Manager
830.220.0579 | kdfore@gmail.com
14449 E FM 140 | Bigfoot, TX 78005
Sale Auctioneer
Anthony Mihalski
210.415.0888 | aj1mihalski@aol.com
Sale Consultants
Runnels Marketing
Vance Runnels
210.862.8967 |
Schedule of Events Friday, October 2nd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
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Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Heart of the Herd
Lyssy Beefmasters 4830 Stanteen San Antonio, TX 7