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Volume 4 Issue 2
The Clinical Utility of BNP with Heart Failure in
the Physician Office Setting: The Experience from
St. Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland
Professor Kenneth McDonald,
Director, Heart Failure Services, St. Vincent's University Hospital
Heart Failure Unit/St. Michael's Hospital, Dun Laoghaire,
Dublin, Ireland
Available online at
Reprinted by the Cambridge Research Centre.
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Treatment Strategies - Webinar Review
The Clinical Utility of BNP with Heart Failure in the
Physician O ce Setting: The Experience from
St. Vincent's University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland
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TREATMENT STRATEGIES Cardiology Volume 4 Issue 2
Reprinted by the Cambridge Research Centre.
Treatment Strategies - Webinar Review Th
Treatment Strategies - Webinar Review a signi
optimal use of resources and hopefully a reductio
Treatment Strategies - Webinar Review could be
Heart failure patients depend on you. You can dep