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Best regards
Claus on Trial
Robert M. Smith, Esq.
essential california legal content
in PRaCtiCE
Potpourri of mediation
Disputes often resolve in surprising, unexpected ways, and the ‘human’ factor
should not be underestimated
By Robert M. smith
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Sometimes, just sometimes mediations
begin with the roughest of timbers and the
rustiest of bolts, and the result is an
architectural marvel.
So it was in London, when things
began with all the makings of a grudge
match between the parties. Strong-
willed is not an emphatic enough
description of the two dedicated
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RECORDER mace). That done, we proceeded to li
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RECORDER The Nuer are a tribe of pastoral
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ADR wars in China and other tales from the field
Years later, you can’t help but wonder why some