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Best regards
Ipls Proceedings
State Bar of Michigan
Volume 27 • Issue 2 • 2016
In ThIs Issue
“Defend Trade Secrets Act”
Signed Into Law Effective
May 11, 2016 ............................... 1
View from the Chair ........................... 2
Enfish and TLI: A Study of the
CAFC’s Recent Section 101
Opinions ....................................... 5
The Defend Trade Secrets Act:
Some Practical Considerations....8
Five Things to Know About the
Defend Trade Secrets Act .......... 12
“Defend Trade Secrets Act” Signed
Into Law Effective May 11, 2016
By John M. Halan, Shareholder, Brooks Kushman PC
The Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (“DTSA”), was signed into law by Presi-
dent Obama on May 11, 2016. The new statute creates broad private federal cause of
action for t
Ipls Proceedings State Bar of Mi
View from the Chair It is my great honor
Defend Trade Secrets Act ... Continued from page
Further, because decisions under DTSA will be mad
Enfish and TLI: A Study of the CAFC’s Recent Sect
(Id. at 7.) According to the asserted patents
9-10.) For all these reasons, the claims of the ’
have been found subject matter eligible. As such,
What’s New Employers Should Update
(iii) the harm to the applicant outweighs the int
“reasonable particularity” beyond what might be r
23 Section 2019.210 applies “[i]n any action all
is a violation. There have been no reported cases