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Best regards
The Celanese Americas Retirement Savings Plan
Introducing Roth 401(k) Contributions
There’s more than one way to get to retirement
Roth 401(k): A new outlook on saving
Celanese is offering an additional way to save within your
401(k) Plan. The Roth 401(k) feature allows you some
flexibility when it comes to saving for retirement ... but is it
right for YOU? Keep reading to learn more.
Roth 401(k) contributions are being added as part of
Celanese’s commitment to provide a comprehensive
retirement program. It is a valuable resource for your
retirement savings, but more importantly, the decision
whether to make Roth 401(k) contributions should be based
on how and when you expect to pay taxes on those savings
in retirement.
Now that you will have the ability to save on a pretax,
after-tax and/or Roth 401(k) basis, we want you to know the
differences between all of
The Celanese Americas Retirement Savings Plan Int
Contributions at a glance What’s the difference
How do Roth 401(k) contributions work? Roth 401(
Is it right for me? When considering Roth 401(k)
Q&A Still have questions? We have you covered. R
Q&A (cont.) If I leave or change jobs, can my Ro
Additional questions? If you’re still not sure w
P.O. BOX 173764 DENVER, CO 80217-3764 Presorted