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Ipls Proceedings
State Bar of Michigan
Volume 28 • Issue 1 • 2017
In ThIs Issue
The Uncertain State of Patent Law
10 Years into the Roberts Court....1
View from the Chair ............................2
Michigan Patent Pro Bono Project
2016 Annual Report ....................10
Darmok and Jalad in District Court:
The Battle over the Linguistic
Use of Trademarks......................12
The Uncertain State of Patent Law
10 Years into the Roberts Court
By Paul R. Michel and Matthew J. Dowd
Since John Roberts was appointed chief justice over 10 years ago, the U.S. Su-
preme Court has fundamentally depressed the economic value of patents and the
investment incentives created by patent protection. Beginning with eBay, Inc. v
MercExchange, LLC, the court has repeatedly rejected the Court of Appeals for the
Ipls Proceedings State Bar of Mi
View from the Chair Members: Over 1,000
The Uncertain State ... Continued from page 1
laid to rest an overly lenient “insolubly ambiguo
by law of nature or something more. This is an ex
Some 30 years after Chakrabarty – and after
and ‘abstract intellectual concepts,’ is not easy
claims in America Invents Act proceedings. Obviou
than others. However, U.S. patent law has long re
Michigan Patent Pro Bono Project A Service Projec
Since launch of the Project in 2014, 77 ap
Darmok and Jalad in District Court The Battle Ove
to the medium (such as the player’s interaction w
the title “American Dairy Queen” for a mock docum
Use B
3 TrafFix Devices, Inc. v. Mar