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1 APRIL/MAY 2011 NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 1
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2 APRIL/MAY 2011
The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses ®
National Student Nurses’Association®
& Columns
pg.11 Important Deadlines
Membership Benefits & Highlights…………………………………
News: NSNA………………………………………………………
Image of Nursing……………………………………………………
Foundation of the NSNA® …………………………………………
Up Close……………………………………………………………
Breakthrough to Nursing®……………………………………………
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Advertisement Removed 2 APRIL/MAY 2011
The Professional Magazine for Student Nurses
Earn Academic Credit for Participating
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EDITORIAL ©Thinkstock By Kindra Scanlon Imprint®
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Membership Holds Steady at 56,000! By Elizabeth N
Health and Accident Insurance NSNA® members and t
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N E W S : NSNA® Important Deadline s Cal
NEWS: At left: The Salt Palace Convention Center
IMAGE OF NURSING The Great Beyond: Pioneeri
IMAGE OF NURSING Student Nurses: The Real Front
IMAGE OF NURSING Rising Above Disruptive Behavi
F O U N D A T I O N of the NSNA® In Memory of
UP CLOSE Nituda Caren Rose Cadiz Nituda was
HAPPENINGS The “Happenings” column highlights ch
NSNA IMPRINT® y www.nsna.org 19
REFLECTIONS The “Reflections” column features h
B R E A K T H R O U G H to Nursing The Breakthr
BL: That’s a huge question! Obviously there have
Florence Nightingagale Expanding 1810-
Her aunts, Patty and Julia Smith often shared the
At right, top to bottom: Florence Nightingale in
Selimiye Barracks, also known as Scutari Barracks
It was not by gentle sweetness and womanly self-a
Profess onalism in nUrsinG: By Marion E. Broome
students were asked to describe an experience in
(Continued from page 29) So what should you, as a
©Thinkstock Vast and exciting techno
We are the number one trusted profession, but wha
risks in doing so; and integrity, the trust affor
Sharpening our Professionalism throug
Adopt a Networking
INTRODUCTION Networking is a cornerstone to your
It is a fact that the majority of positions in al
The power of your network will depend on the vari
FAST FACTS in a NUTSHELL • Networking should be
NETWORKING TOOLS These include an up-to-date resu
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National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc.® Cod
** 3. Take appropriate action to ensure the safet
6.2 Accepting responsibility for our actions: Nur
** 11. Encourage faculty, clinical staff, and pee
14.3 Proper authorizations are obtained from clie
References and Resources: American Nurses Associ