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<br /> DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN - SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT<br /> DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN NEWS<br /> Expecting a<br /> payout of your<br /> unused leave<br /> when you retire?<br /> Contributing it to your<br /> deferred compensation<br /> plan could allow you to<br /> defer taxes on that payout.<br /> Learn more at<br /> www.sers.pa.gov/Deferred<br /> CompensationPlan.html.<br /> Retirement planning<br /> Saving for retirement? Your future self is counting on it<br /> Most of us have a lot of people who depend on us. Our family, neighbors,<br /> and coworkers all rely on us to do our part. However, you also have<br /> someone who’s relying on you right now whom you have never met, but<br /> whose welfare is vitally important to you. That person is your future self —<br /> and he or she is probably trying to get your attention to encourage you to<br /> save more for your future retirement income.<br /> Think about it: Have you ever heard a retired person say that <a title="PA_2Q19 page 1" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/9c83b42f?page=1"> DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN - SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT</a> <a title="PA_2Q19 page 2" href="http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/9c83b42f?page=2"> Continued from page 1 Let’s take a closer look at</a>