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A DigitAl Supplement to
n Until 2013,
Keep on Top
of ICD-9-CM
n Take Charge
of Denials
to Reduce Them
Preparing Radiology for
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Don’t wait for Labor Day
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for this major change.
Preparing Radiology for
A DigitAl Supplement to Inside n Until
Find what you need in the
Don’t wait for Labor Day 2013 to start preparing
A DigitAl Supplement to has not been updated
“this type of review will help practitioners
A DigitAl Supplement to co-translator tool pr
Respect the Deadline Buckholtz warns against
A DigitAl Supplement to 3 When a pat
Take Charge of Denials to Reduce Them By lindsey
A DigitAl Supplement to identify the top 10 p
necessary steps toward a resolution. Just don’t f
A DigitAl Supplement to make preventing and fi
the physician’s clinical necessity for providing
“i don’t think it’s an issue of what size the pr